This medicated recipe is a much more unique take on the classic grilled cheese sandwich, featuring a grilled cheese made with thinly sliced pears and delicious, raspberry...
This medicated recipe features juicy strawberries dunked into a chocolate/cannabis-coconut oil blend that will have your special someone feeling all types of love!
This medicated vegan and gluten-free recipe features a sweet potato pancake that is super light and fluffy and accompanied by non-dairy chocolate chips, making each bite perfectly...
This cannabis infused recipe is a powerful blend of healthy foods specifically recommended for combating arthritis with nutrition. Fresh turmeric, apple, pear and kale combine for a...
While no single special diet is prescribed for epileptic patients, those with epilepsy are advised to followed a well balanced and nutritious diet full of all the...
Eggplant parmigiana is a symphony of flavors and textures that just make one fall in love. Homemade tomato sauce, paired with savory eggplant, all crowned with a...
This medicated recipe features a french toast casserole, with fresh blueberries and topped with your choice of nuts and maple syrup. Make a cold morning “toasty” with...
Cannabis is working its way into many mainstream aspects of our culture, and now culinary cannabis is starting to take hold as a legitimate culinary art.
There’s just something about pumpkin pecan pie that perfectly encapsulates the season, and the holiday, with all of those spices, flavors and textures.
Enjoy this creamy, spiced drink with your friends and family to ring in the new year! This cannabis-spiked eggnog is medicated with healing properties of marijuana instead...
There’s just something about that pairing of smooth, creamy, peanut butter and chocolate that instantly makes my heart melt and mouth water. This medicated recipe for peanut...
This medicated recipe perfectly features the peppermint flavor that many of us have grown accustomed to associating with the holiday season, as well as both white and...