French toast is unbelievably delicious on its own, but when you combine freshly made french toast, and top it with a creamy, buttery, caramely sauce chock full...
There’s no wrong time to bake a quiche in my book! This medicated recipe featuring a spinach based quiche, filled with feta and cheddar cheese and some...
This medicated recipe features tea brewed from cannabis buds combined with a bit of organic coconut oil prior to steeping – this ensures that the THC decarboxylates...
This medicated recipe features delicious Yukon gold potatoes, seasoned with various herbs, lemon and cannabis-infused butter – making it simple and scrumptious.
I was sitting in the waiting room of my favored medical dispensary when I overheard the budtender talking about the Sweet Grass Cookies to another customer.
Both strawberries and rhubarb are in season in spring and this version is medicated with organic cannabis-coconut oil. Try something new with this medicated recipe, featuring a...
Edible marijuana sold in Colorado must look different from regular foods, lawmakers from both parties said Wednesday in rejecting a bill to loosen requirements. The rejection means...
This medicated recipe features seared scallops with a unique cocoa-based dry rub, paired with a creamy, cannabis polenta that is sure to be a pairing of textures...
This medicated recipe features an ooey, gooey lasagna made with ground turkey, fresh lasagna noodles and three cheeses to yield a meal that makes your head, heart...
This medicated recipe features a traditional white fudge made with cinnamon oil and and decorated with cinnamon candies to give this treat a kick! Spice up your...
Famed ice cream impresarios Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield declared on HuffPo Live that they’d support making a cannabis-infused version of their sweet treats available where marijuana...
This medicated recipe features sweet potato fries, which are a healthier alternative to traditional Idaho potatoes, and are topped with an array of fancy garnishes.
This medicated recipe features home-made brownies made with semi-sweet chocolate, crowned with cheesecake batter, and then swirled together into a marbleized dessert fit for the divine.
This chocolate bar had me excited from the beginning. I love “crispies” in my chocolate bars and real dried blueberries, which are my favorite dried fruit.