Tag: exercise

(20 posts)
June 22, 2015
Meditate While You Medicate: Mindful Walking

Meditate While You Medicate: Mindful Walking

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives one a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
June 8, 2015
Meditate While You Medicate: Yantra Gazing

Meditate While You Medicate: Yantra Gazing

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. A yantra is a geometric pattern, such as a mandala, which may be used...
March 25, 2015
Meditate While You Medicate: The Sacred OM

Meditate While You Medicate: The Sacred OM

Mantra are meditations of vibration and sound. One of these mantras is the sacred OM. Follow this simple exercise to embrace the restorative vibrations of the OM...
March 23, 2015
The Intersection of Cannabis and Flow: A Peak State of Consciousness

The Intersection of Cannabis and Flow: A Peak State of Consciousness

Researchers discovered that flow positively correlated with higher meaning in life. If flow is more readily achieved after cannabis consumption, in turn, these individuals will more easily...
February 12, 2015
The Debate Over Running While High

The Debate Over Running While High

The grueling sport of ultramarathon has fostered a mingling of two seemingly opposite camps: endurance jocks and potheads. “If you can find the right level, takes...
August 18, 2014
Meditate While You Medicate: Gratitude

Meditate While You Medicate: Gratitude

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
July 28, 2014
Meditate While You Medicate: Deep Breathing

Meditate While You Medicate: Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is an essential part of any meditation. ollow this simple exercise to bring yourself back to center and release any negative emotions which may be...
April 30, 2014
Meditate While You Medicate: Awareness

Meditate While You Medicate: Awareness

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
April 22, 2014
Meditate While You Medicate: Quiet Mind

Meditate While You Medicate: Quiet Mind

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
April 16, 2014
Book Review: The Marijuana Diet

Book Review: The Marijuana Diet

Art Glass, a 66 year old cannabis consumer, recently put out a book that seems somewhat contradictory in its title: The Marijuana Diet. This is a true...
April 15, 2014
Meditate While You Medicate: Visualization

Meditate While You Medicate: Visualization

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
April 10, 2014
Your Brain on Weed and Yoga

Your Brain on Weed and Yoga

I’m going to start out by admitting that my knowledge of yoga and marijuana far surpass my knowledge of brain chemistry. So, what follows is by no...
April 8, 2014
Meditate While You Medicate: Body Mindfulness

Meditate While You Medicate: Body Mindfulness

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
April 1, 2014
Meditate While You Medicate: Chakra Cleanse

Meditate While You Medicate: Chakra Cleanse

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate...
November 14, 2013
Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

I still take marijuana tolerance breaks approximately every three months for a week (a good rule of thumb from my doctor at Medicann), so I don’t have...
September 11, 2013
Cannabis for IBS Relief

Cannabis for IBS Relief

Let’s face it: No one wants to talk about irritable bowel syndrome. Yet it affects between 7% and 10% of the world’s population. Twice as many women...
By: Lateralus
July 31, 2013
Great Stoner Workout: Kettlebell

Great Stoner Workout: Kettlebell

Sort of in line with my yoga routines, I am always interested in new ways of compressing time by getting more bang for your effort. A couple...
July 11, 2013
Weed for Weight Loss

Weed for Weight Loss

Munchies are pretty much always synonymous with smoking marijuana. I have had my share of nights downing a whole pint of Haagen Dazs and an entire bag...
By: Lateralus
March 20, 2013
Stressed? Try Yoga and/or Cannabis

Stressed? Try Yoga and/or Cannabis

It is widely agreed that the harder you drive (stress) your car, the faster it breaks down. Our bodies are not so different. The harder you use...
January 16, 2013
Marijuana’s Effect on Exercise

Marijuana’s Effect on Exercise

Going to the gym and working out have always been a hobby of mine, but recently I’ve decided to get more serious about how I train. This...