A traditional Indian recipe, mango lassi is a cold, thick and irresistibly delicious drink that turns even the spiciest foods on the hottest of days into a...
Blonde recipes often resemble a soft and chewy cookie dough-like brownie that can be filled with a variety of ingredients such as nuts of your choice, chocolate,...
Try this medicated recipe featuring a classic trifle cake made with light and fluffy angel food cake, freshly sliced strawberries and bananas, and a creamy mixture of...
French toast is unbelievably delicious on its own, but when you combine freshly made french toast, and top it with a creamy, buttery, caramely sauce chock full...
I was sitting in the waiting room of my favored medical dispensary when I overheard the budtender talking about the Sweet Grass Cookies to another customer.
Both strawberries and rhubarb are in season in spring and this version is medicated with organic cannabis-coconut oil. Try something new with this medicated recipe, featuring a...
This medicated recipe features a traditional white fudge made with cinnamon oil and and decorated with cinnamon candies to give this treat a kick! Spice up your...
Famed ice cream impresarios Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield declared on HuffPo Live that they’d support making a cannabis-infused version of their sweet treats available where marijuana...
This medicated recipe features home-made brownies made with semi-sweet chocolate, crowned with cheesecake batter, and then swirled together into a marbleized dessert fit for the divine.
There’s just something about pumpkin pecan pie that perfectly encapsulates the season, and the holiday, with all of those spices, flavors and textures.
Enjoy this creamy, spiced drink with your friends and family to ring in the new year! This cannabis-spiked eggnog is medicated with healing properties of marijuana instead...
There’s just something about that pairing of smooth, creamy, peanut butter and chocolate that instantly makes my heart melt and mouth water. This medicated recipe for peanut...
This medicated recipe perfectly features the peppermint flavor that many of us have grown accustomed to associating with the holiday season, as well as both white and...