Fall is in full swing and football season is back which means so are finger-friendly appetizers. Try something new: corn accompanied by spicy jalapenos and gooey cheese.
Dark, juicy blackberries and crispy, local-grown apples are just one of my favorite fruit combinations for a fresh, home-made pie. These enticing flavors are perfect for fall.
One of my favorite apple-inspired recipes is for good, old-fashioned apple butter. Apple butter is a delicious spread, best described as a concentrated and spicier form of...
Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite vegetables of all time, especially baked and topped with butter, sugar and cinnamon. This medicated version will ensure that you...
Crab rangoon is one of my favorite Chinese-inspired appetizers. This medicated homemade version is super simple, full of bold flavors like scallions and sriracha, and takes about...
Zucchinis are one of my favorite summer-time vegetables, and as of late I have been trying to incorporate them into more of my recipes. Banana zucchini medicated...
Our medicated recipe offers a modern spin on this traditional Italian dish. This cannabis-chicken parmigiana pasta is a healthy and pasta-based version that contains all the flavors...
Compound butters are great as single-serving flavor enhancers. A small slice added to a baked potato or piece of fish/meat can send the experience to another level....
Ladybud shares a tasty recipe for cannabis-infused basil gnocchi, which can work with canna-butter or canna-oil. For those unfamiliar with a classic gnocchi, it is basically a...
This stoner-friendly fruit pizza has a cookie-cake base and is inspired by the classic deep-dish style pizza crust. Crowned with a delicious sweet cream cheese and marshmallow...
If you’ve never had the privilege of eating monkey bread, look no further! The missing link to your happiness is here. Monkey bread is a fun rip-apart...
The Magical Butter Machine was developed for an easier way to make cannabutter than the relatively complex grind-decarboxylate-cook-strain-separate routine that people have been using for decades. He calls it...
Crispy rice cereal, buttery and gooey marshmallow, and bright festive colors – these red, white and blue medicated marshmallow ganja treats will be the perfect addition for...
These toffee cookies are so sweet and scrumptious, it is hard to comprehend that they are actually made from saltine crackers! Buttery, flaky, sweet yet salty, and...
While reminiscent of a Mr. Goodbar, this recipe is so versatile that the flavors and combinations you can come up with are limitless. It meets all my...