This medicated recipe features a french toast casserole, with fresh blueberries and topped with your choice of nuts and maple syrup. Make a cold morning “toasty” with...
There’s just something about pumpkin pecan pie that perfectly encapsulates the season, and the holiday, with all of those spices, flavors and textures.
There’s just something about that pairing of smooth, creamy, peanut butter and chocolate that instantly makes my heart melt and mouth water. This medicated recipe for peanut...
Homemade cinnamon rolls triumph over every other kind I’ve enjoyed, and this medicated version is sure to blow you away! These cannabis-cinnamon rolls are puffy, full of...
French onion soup is my favorite soup of all time. There, I said it. Bold statement, right? There’s just something about that savory, salty broth, those caramelized...
This medicated recipe combines the perfect carrot cake with a homemade, brown butter-cream frosting, all garnished with your choice of nuts or toasted coconut flakes.
I use this mostly on sauteed/roasted veggies and on meats/fish. The butter half accentuates the savory and rounds out the smoothness of the mouth-feel while the honey...
This medicated recipe is starchy, cheesy, smokey, warm and filling. It’s all around delicious! Try this simple and versatile crock pot recipe for breakfast, as it can...
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because of the treats (and some tricks!). Thus I give you this spooktacular dessert: medicated spider cookies!
My favorite Autumn-inspired pancake recipe has to be this medicated pumpkin pancake with apple cider syrup. It contains all of the flavors of fall, packed into one...