Juicy, cheesy and delicious mushroom burgers topped with caramelized onion and fresh arugula. There’s just something about the combination of flavors that makes for an exquisite, taste-bud...
There’s mashed potatoes, and then there are mashed potatoes the way a Texas toker makes ’em. I dare say that you’ll never look at mashed potatoes the...
Using chicken thighs, celery, cremini mushrooms, some cut onions from the night before and a stick of butter, I tossed it all in the slow-cooker, dumped in...
This flavor combination absolutely mouth-watering — a turkey panini made with cheddar cheese and thin slices of green apple, all cooked using cannabis-infused butter and pressed to...
This medicated recipe features fluffy and light donut holes made with cinnamon, sugar and cannabis-infused butter. The donut bites are fried in cannabis-infused coconut oil, and then...
Blonde recipes often resemble a soft and chewy cookie dough-like brownie that can be filled with a variety of ingredients such as nuts of your choice, chocolate,...
French toast is unbelievably delicious on its own, but when you combine freshly made french toast, and top it with a creamy, buttery, caramely sauce chock full...
There’s no wrong time to bake a quiche in my book! This medicated recipe featuring a spinach based quiche, filled with feta and cheddar cheese and some...
This medicated recipe features delicious Yukon gold potatoes, seasoned with various herbs, lemon and cannabis-infused butter – making it simple and scrumptious.
I was sitting in the waiting room of my favored medical dispensary when I overheard the budtender talking about the Sweet Grass Cookies to another customer.
This medicated recipe features seared scallops with a unique cocoa-based dry rub, paired with a creamy, cannabis polenta that is sure to be a pairing of textures...
This chocolate bar had me excited from the beginning. I love “crispies” in my chocolate bars and real dried blueberries, which are my favorite dried fruit.
This medicated recipe is a much more unique take on the classic grilled cheese sandwich, featuring a grilled cheese made with thinly sliced pears and delicious, raspberry...