Blonde recipes often resemble a soft and chewy cookie dough-like brownie that can be filled with a variety of ingredients such as nuts of your choice, chocolate,...
Try this medicated recipe featuring a classic trifle cake made with light and fluffy angel food cake, freshly sliced strawberries and bananas, and a creamy mixture of...
French toast is unbelievably delicious on its own, but when you combine freshly made french toast, and top it with a creamy, buttery, caramely sauce chock full...
There’s no wrong time to bake a quiche in my book! This medicated recipe featuring a spinach based quiche, filled with feta and cheddar cheese and some...
This medicated recipe features delicious Yukon gold potatoes, seasoned with various herbs, lemon and cannabis-infused butter – making it simple and scrumptious.
I was sitting in the waiting room of my favored medical dispensary when I overheard the budtender talking about the Sweet Grass Cookies to another customer.
Both strawberries and rhubarb are in season in spring and this version is medicated with organic cannabis-coconut oil. Try something new with this medicated recipe, featuring a...
This medicated recipe features seared scallops with a unique cocoa-based dry rub, paired with a creamy, cannabis polenta that is sure to be a pairing of textures...
Try this medicated recipe, featuring a whole wheat spaghetti pasta salad with freshly roasted artichokes, juicy cherry tomatoes, and drizzled with a cannabis-lemon vinaigrette.
Grapefruit grows fast and yields a very plentiful harvest — and as she grows,she emits an intoxicating tropical aroma. Her flower buds are some of the most...
This medicated recipe features an ooey, gooey lasagna made with ground turkey, fresh lasagna noodles and three cheeses to yield a meal that makes your head, heart...
This medicated recipe features a traditional white fudge made with cinnamon oil and and decorated with cinnamon candies to give this treat a kick! Spice up your...
This medicated recipe features sweet potato fries, which are a healthier alternative to traditional Idaho potatoes, and are topped with an array of fancy garnishes.