December 29, 2014
Restore Humanity: Remember Cannabis Users Are People Too

Restore Humanity: Remember Cannabis Users Are People Too

Langston draws some interesting lines between early American racial history and the characterization of drug users. Maybe that is how the government has justified the overblown, overreaching...
December 29, 2014
Police Stealing Weed From the Police

Police Stealing Weed From the Police

A Richmond police officer was found in possession of 3 pounds of cannabis at his home. Authorities say Veteran K-9 officer Joe Avila will likely not...
December 29, 2014
Stoner Philosophy: The Great Pairing of Weed and Wisdom

Stoner Philosophy: The Great Pairing of Weed and Wisdom

Not all philosophy students evolve into weed smoking and Socrates-quoting free spirits. But, in my experience, many do.
December 26, 2014
Piece of the Week | Fumed Saxophone Sherlock Pipe

Piece of the Week | Fumed Saxophone Sherlock Pipe

With that lovely golden hue and a unique design, this saxophone inspired Sherlock-style pipe is a real beauty. I can just imagine feeling like I’m about to...
December 26, 2014
Instafire: Epic Crystal Dino by Joe Peters and Elbo

Instafire: Epic Crystal Dino by Joe Peters and Elbo

This crazy ass crystal dino is courtesy of two of the glass scene’s magantes, Joe Peters and Elbo Glass. How bad do you wish you had this...
December 26, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Peanut Butter Cannabis-Kiss Cookies

Great Edibles Recipes: Peanut Butter Cannabis-Kiss Cookies

There’s just something about that pairing of smooth, creamy, peanut butter and chocolate that instantly makes my heart melt and mouth water. This medicated recipe for peanut...
December 24, 2014
Instafire: Blue Stardust Recycler by Blue Mountain

Instafire: Blue Stardust Recycler by Blue Mountain

Feast your eyes on this super clean and absolutely lethal full set by Blue Mountain Glass. This is the kinda Instafire that starts other Instafires.
December 24, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Cherry Shire Wax Concentrate

My Favorite Strains: Cherry Shire Wax Concentrate

I stumbled across this Cherry Shire wax concentrate the other day at my medical dispensary’s recreational store, and decided to give it a try based on look...
December 24, 2014
Great Music While High: Holiday Edition “I’ll Be Stoned for Christmas”

Great Music While High: Holiday Edition “I’ll Be Stoned for Christmas”

It’s the holiday season again, and songwriter Dent May has come up with a Christmas tune that weedists have been waiting for.
December 24, 2014
50 Year Old Caught With Giant Cannabis Plant Christmas Tree

50 Year Old Caught With Giant Cannabis Plant Christmas Tree

To their great surprise, they discovered that the woman had been using a giant cannabis plant as a stand-in Christmas tree. There were even presents placed around...
December 24, 2014
New York Senator Holds Public Hearing on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

New York Senator Holds Public Hearing on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

New York could be well on its way to legalizing a recreational marijuana market. Earlier this week, State Senator Liz Krueger teamed up with Assembly Member Crystal...
December 23, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: The Nightmare Before Dabmas

Headiest Dab Pins: The Nightmare Before Dabmas

It’s no surprise that this dab pin ran away with my heart. Have a look at Sally and Jack Skellington dropping bhombs. This is what’s right about...
December 23, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Peppermint Buddah Bark

Great Edibles Recipes: Peppermint Buddah Bark

This medicated recipe perfectly features the peppermint flavor that many of us have grown accustomed to associating with the holiday season, as well as both white and...
December 23, 2014
Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Now in its second year, the drive focuses on helping families that have been hurt by the war on cannabis. These families struggle to survive every day,...
By: Anna Diaz
December 23, 2014
Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Wastes Resources

Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Wastes Resources

Forcing drug testing wastes resources, but also gives people unconscious permission to judge and label the poorest and neediest of us, or to justify turning a blind...
December 23, 2014
What Is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?

What Is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?

Often mistakenly called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is a rare form of cannabinoid toxicity that develops in chronic smokers. It’s characterized by cyclic episodes of...
December 23, 2014
Driving While Informed: Know Your Rights Behind the Wheel

Driving While Informed: Know Your Rights Behind the Wheel

The number of drug related DUI/DWIs have sky-rocketed in the last year across the nation as a direct result of the lack of knowledge surrounding the level...
December 22, 2014
Instafire: Spongebob Squarepants Mini Tube

Instafire: Spongebob Squarepants Mini Tube

You know and love him, this tripped out Spongebob rig is courtesy of glass king Joe Peters, with a hand from Puntington. The relationship between Spongebob and...
December 22, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Chocolope

My Favorite Strains: Chocolope

You may recognize this strain name from previous reviews of mine, and that’s because I absolutely LOVE Chocolope and most strains that come from her.
December 22, 2014
Pasadena Firefighters Hold Fundraiser for Cannabis

Pasadena Firefighters Hold Fundraiser for Cannabis

Pasadena firefighters recently held a fundraiser to help mitigate the medical costs of 3 year old Cecelia von Harz, the daughter of one of the county’s fireman.