Recently, Sabet tweeted about an article from Food and Wine magazine which discusses that, in Denver, there is an epidemic of people going to restaurants so stoned...
New York’s upcoming medical marijuana program will look nothing like California’s, where “green cards” may be issued for everything from insomnia to headaches. Instead, as advocates argued...
By a margin of nearly 3 to 1, voters in the Old Dominion state say that they support amending Virginia’s marijuana penalties—penalties that rank among the toughest...
This Slurm Glass recycler is absolutely gorgeous. I loved the angled Quave Club Banger attached and next gen carb cap. This is the level every dabber wants...
The main issue is how to reconcile the medical community with the recreational community. Medical cannabis has been legal in Washington for nearly 20 years, recreational pot...
In one of the earliest moves to resolve a central contradiction of US cannabis legalization laws, the Anchorage, Alaska city council has reiterated its opposition to cannabis...
More than 100 Native American tribes have reached out to FoxBarry Farms, a management firm building the nation’s first marijuana facility on tribal land, to express interest...
This medicated vegan and gluten-free recipe features a sweet potato pancake that is super light and fluffy and accompanied by non-dairy chocolate chips, making each bite perfectly...
A study recently released by scientists at the University of New South Wales’ National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre illustrated that cannabis users reported significant pain relief...
Imagine you are a juror in the federal trial of five people charged with growing and distributing marijuana in northeastern Washington. The prosecution cannot present any direct...
Colorado released a sweeping report Monday about marijuana and health — everything from pot’s effect on drivers, asthma, cancer rates and birth defects. The 188-page report doesn’t...
In Kan’s estimation, cannabis is a $40 billion dollar market with a limited amount of players. Calling cannabis an “investors dream,” Kan claims that there is tremendous...
Adam’s daughter, Rumer, is 2 years old and suffers from stage 4 neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a severe cancer that begins in the nerve tissue and causes significant...