These pipes are available on Etsy from Apollo Glassworks. Iridescent Tribal Dragon Glass Pipe Feast your eyes on these beauties! These iridescent dragon pipes are a visual treat...
A Southern California-based, pro-weed, anti-government activist who goes by the name Reverend Bud Green has claimed responsibility for replacing two American flags on the Brooklyn Bridge with...
I love The articles are well researched, interesting and almost always hilarious. One article, titled, “5 Reasons Legalized Marijuana Might Be Bad for Pot Smokers,” sort...
In January, Jacob Sullum called bullshit on Barack Obama’s insistence that his administration had no control over how cannabis is classified. But can the stroke of an...
Dairy-free, cruelty-free and totally vegan friendly, this medicated version of chocolate banana ice cream will be sure to send your taste buds into pure bliss!
Have you ever had those friends who cannot enjoy cannabis because it makes them feel too anxious or paranoid after they consume it? The following is a...
The Da Vinci Ascent vaporizer is a well crafted and meticulous machine. The age of the vape craze has saturated the market with many portable vaporizers to...
This medicated, chunky minestrone soup is absolutely scrumptious, brimming with wholesome ingredients that will be sure to make you feel lively and rejuvenated after you eat...
The Grateful Dead and cannabis have a long history together, so it’s no surprise that there are a handful of great strains named after the legendary cultural...
Deep breathing is an essential part of any meditation. ollow this simple exercise to bring yourself back to center and release any negative emotions which may be...
One of the (many) problematic issues that arises from the conflict between state and federal cannabis law is the still-legal vocational drug testing that screens for marijuana.
For many medical marijuana patients, simply having cannabis in a house where children reside could result in claims of child abuse. No one runs the risk of...
Coconut oil is an excellent alternative to traditional cooking oils (olive, canola, vegetable) and fatty butters/margarine, and it just so happens to also be an incredible solvent...
A Quinnipiac University poll found two-thirds of Coloradans questioned say marijuana use should be legal at home or in members-only clubs, with a similar amount saying pot...