Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

June 24, 2014
Medical Marijuana 101: Mass. Doctors Head to the Classroom

Medical Marijuana 101: Mass. Doctors Head to the Classroom

“I’d like to start helping people get their mind wrapped around what are we talking about today with a case,” Dr. Alan Ehrlich said, looking out over...
June 24, 2014
Group Marches Through NC in Support of Medical Marijuana

Group Marches Through NC in Support of Medical Marijuana

As lawmakers try to decide if they’ll legalize a form of medical marijuana, a group of men supporting a broadening of medical marijuana use is walking across...
June 24, 2014
Alzheimer’s Caused by Loss of Cannabinoids, Study Shows

Alzheimer’s Caused by Loss of Cannabinoids, Study Shows

Early deficits in Alzheimer’s may be caused by blockage of the brain’s cannabinoids, according to new research out of Stanford University School of Medicine. These compounds are...
June 23, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Saltine Toffee Cannabis Cookies

Great Edibles Recipes: Saltine Toffee Cannabis Cookies

These toffee cookies are so sweet and scrumptious, it is hard to comprehend that they are actually made from saltine crackers! Buttery, flaky, sweet yet salty, and...
June 23, 2014
Xternal Cannabis-Infused Mud Mask: Using Topical Cannabis

Xternal Cannabis-Infused Mud Mask: Using Topical Cannabis

This powerful cannabis-infused cosmetic from Xternal has a relaxing herbal aroma and with the help of bentonite clay and eucalyptus oil (tea tree) it not only draws toxins...
June 20, 2014
New York State Legislature and Governor Come to Agreement on Medical Marijuana

New York State Legislature and Governor Come to Agreement on Medical Marijuana

New York State lawmakers announced today that they have come to agreement to approve a limited pilot program for medical marijuana in the Empire State. An agreement...
June 20, 2014
Study: Oral THC Safely and Effectively Addresses Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms

Study: Oral THC Safely and Effectively Addresses Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms

The administration of oral THC mitigates symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), according to clinical trial data published online ahead of print in the journal Clinical Drug...
June 20, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.06.18)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.06.18)

High drama in New York as a medical marijuana bill goes down to the wire, congressmembers call on HHS to help unblock marijuana research, a limited CBD...
June 20, 2014
Chris Christie: Medical Marijuana Programs Are ‘A Front for Legalization’

Chris Christie: Medical Marijuana Programs Are ‘A Front for Legalization’

Following reports that New Jersey’s medical marijuana program is suffering from low enrollment, Gov. Chris Christie called the program and similar programs across the U.S. “a front...
June 19, 2014
Yes, CBD Is Still Illegal

Yes, CBD Is Still Illegal

At first glance, a new pamphlet produced by “” looks like some sort of altruistic white paper on the therapeutic benefits of cannabidiol. Curious about the pamphlet’s contents,...
June 19, 2014
Gov. Cuomo Attempts to Obstruct the Compassionate Care Act

Gov. Cuomo Attempts to Obstruct the Compassionate Care Act

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has had three-and-a-half years to weigh in on New York’s medical marijuana legislation. Instead, he first opposed medical marijuana outright. Then, this January, he...
June 19, 2014
Cannabis Creates Happy Bowels

Cannabis Creates Happy Bowels

Disclaimer: This is an article about bowel movements. I will try and choose my phrasing gingerly and employ euphemism where appropriate, but seeing as the topic of...
June 19, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Blackwater

My Favorite Strains: Blackwater

After a long day, it’s nice to be able to kick back with something that has a consistent effect and is good for sleep and overall relaxation. One...
June 18, 2014
Marijuana-Epilepsy Drug Cuts Seizures in Half

Marijuana-Epilepsy Drug Cuts Seizures in Half

British drug maker GW Pharmaceuticals released the first results on the efficacy and safety of Epidiolex, a purified form of the marijuana compound cannabidiol (CBD), on Tuesday. The...
June 18, 2014
The Fear of Pleasure: Why CBD-Only Legislation is Not a Real Solution

The Fear of Pleasure: Why CBD-Only Legislation is Not a Real Solution

Most of us were caught off-guard by the rush of states this year that approved the limited use of CBD-only marijuana extracts because these traditionally conservative states...
June 18, 2014
Cannabinoid Profiles: A Crash Course in CBD

Cannabinoid Profiles: A Crash Course in CBD

CBD is all the rage in the public sphere these days, but how much does the average person actually know about it? In this issue of Cannabinoid...
June 18, 2014
Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

It’s not as if you needed another log to toss onto your “DEA is the Devil” bonfire, but a new report from the Drug Policy Alliance casts...
June 17, 2014
Texas GOP Adds Hemp Cultivation to Platform, Votes Against Support for Medical Marijuana

Texas GOP Adds Hemp Cultivation to Platform, Votes Against Support for Medical Marijuana

The 2014 Texas GOP Convention wrapped up Saturday, June 7th, after a long week of debate and testimony concerning medical marijuana. Supporters of marijuana reform, including several...
June 17, 2014
Instafire: Secret Cup NW Extracts Peeling a Slab

Instafire: Secret Cup NW Extracts Peeling a Slab

Posted by @nw_extracts It’s taking days to comb through all of the Instafire that this year’s Secret Cup produced. Shouts out to Northwest Extracts who posted this...
June 16, 2014
Colorado to Spend $9 Million on Medical Marijuana

Colorado to Spend $9 Million on Medical Marijuana

Colorado is preparing to begin the largest state-funded study on the benefits of medical marijuana, The Denver Post reports. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed a bill that will...