Cannabis has been shown to be extremely effective in combating migraines and soothing away the pain. This healing recipe is crafted to bring relief to migraine sufferers...
Will Humble, the top health official in Arizona, has authorized the use of medical marijuana in cases of PTSD on the orders of a state judge, reports...
Ontario, Canada: The administration of nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, safely mitigates symptoms of post-traumatic stress (PTS) syndrome, according to clinical data published online ahead of print in the Journal of Psychopharmacology....
New York becomes the 23rd medical marijuana state, North Carolina becomes a high-CBD cannabis oil state, Utah issues the first permits for high-CBD cannabis oil, Californians prepare...
Writer Sebastian Marincolo has gathered a bit of research that suggests that cannabis can enhance empathetic ability and, thus, may be of use in the treatment of...
New evidence suggests beta-caryophyllene, a terpene in cannabis, may be effective for treating anxiety and depression. Although some compounds like THC activate both cannabinoid pathways — CB1 and...
With Monday’s signing of New York’s medical cannabis law, there are now 23 states with comprehensive medical cannabis access programs for patient’s living in those states, but...
New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed the “Compassionate Care Act” which legalized medical marijuana. With the State Department of Health expected to have the program up and...
On Saturday, June 5, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Compassionate Care Act into law, making New York the 23rd state with an effective medical marijuana law. The law goes...
If you’ve never had the privilege of eating monkey bread, look no further! The missing link to your happiness is here. Monkey bread is a fun rip-apart...
One group of hyper-conservative prohibitionists, going by the moniker of SafeMontana, illustrate yet another problem with roots in the irrational Schedule 1 status of cannabis.
This week, University of Arizona professor and leading medical marijuana researcher Dr. Sue Sisley was fired from her position at the university. The University of Arizona refused...
It seems almost laughable to even compare cannabis and alcohol, but everyone can use a good laugh. So here are five ways that cannabis succeeds where alcohol...
With so many people suffering from depression, it comes as a relief to know that certain foods, including cannabis, can help alleviate the feeling by bringing mental...
An Arizona researcher gets fired for apparently political reasons, new medical marijuana-related laws come into effect in several states, California dispensary conflicts continue as the Assembly grapples...
In 1975 Robert Randall was arrested for possession of a narcotic, cannabis, and of a ‘dangerous drug,’ LSD. Randall’s arrest led to the court case of Randall...
As marijuana becomes incrementally more legal for all uses, states grappling with implementing legislation responding to constituent demand for cannabis in all its forms have passed various...
Jacksonville-based attorney John Morgan has given a multi-million dollar donation to the medical marijuana campaign in Florida, reports, and will now invest even more in helping seriously...