Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

August 6, 2014
6 Historical Facts About Medical Marijuana

6 Historical Facts About Medical Marijuana

Leaf Science takes us on a little stroll through medical marijuana history, from 2737 BC China to ancient Greece to 2nd century Egypt, where Egyptians used cannabis as...
August 6, 2014
Philippines Catholic Church Supports Medical Marijuana

Philippines Catholic Church Supports Medical Marijuana

Despite a recent decree from Pope Francis admonishing marijuana use, the Catholic Church of the Philippines has come out in support of medical marijuana.
August 6, 2014
Cannabinoid Profiles: A Crash Course in CBGa

Cannabinoid Profiles: A Crash Course in CBGa

In this issue of Cannabinoid Profiles, the properties of CBGa are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this cannabinoid and discover what...
August 5, 2014
Minnesota Issues Draft Medical Marijuana Rules

Minnesota Issues Draft Medical Marijuana Rules

The Minnesota Department of Health has issued draft rules governing applications and oversight for two medical marijuana manufacturers. These rules are provisional, and may be revised before becoming final....
August 5, 2014
D.C. Empowers Physicians to Determine Medical Marijuana Patient Eligibility

D.C. Empowers Physicians to Determine Medical Marijuana Patient Eligibility

On Thursday of last week, Washington D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray took the bold step of putting physicians in charge of determining which of their patients should use...
August 5, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Mary-Jane’s Fruit Pizza

Great Edibles Recipes: Mary-Jane’s Fruit Pizza

This stoner-friendly fruit pizza has a cookie-cake base and is inspired by the classic deep-dish style pizza crust. Crowned with a delicious sweet cream cheese and marshmallow...
August 4, 2014
Study: Legalized Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Impact Teen Use Rates

Study: Legalized Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Impact Teen Use Rates

The passage of state laws legalizing the physician-recommended possession and consumption of cannabis by qualified patients has not led to an increase in adolescents’ use of the...
August 1, 2014
Medical Marijuana Trucks May Be Coming to Florida

Medical Marijuana Trucks May Be Coming to Florida

Florida pot dispensers could truck their product to patients, under a revised rule proposed by health regulators in advance of a workshop Friday about the state’s move...
August 1, 2014
Congressional CBD-Only Bill Raises Both Hope and Significant Concerns

Congressional CBD-Only Bill Raises Both Hope and Significant Concerns

Yesterday, Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) introduced a bill in Congress that would create an exemption to the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) for cannabis plants and derivatives with...
August 1, 2014
Big Pharma Meds Almost Sent Me to an Early Grave, While Pot Helped Ease My Disease

Big Pharma Meds Almost Sent Me to an Early Grave, While Pot Helped Ease My Disease

After a decade and a couple hundred thousand dollars, I have learned that although prescription drugs worked to an extent for my Crohn’s disease, the Big Pharma drug...
August 1, 2014
08/01/2014 a Bit Off on Legal Weed a Bit Off on Legal Weed

I love The articles are well researched, interesting and almost always hilarious. One article, titled, “5 Reasons Legalized Marijuana Might Be Bad for Pot Smokers,” sort...
July 31, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.07.30)

A pair of federal bills get filed, California’s medical marijuana wars continue, Florida looks set to pass medical marijuana this fall, pressure is rising for New York...
July 31, 2014
Utah Children’s Hospital Looking for Subjects for Epilepsy / CBD Study

Utah Children’s Hospital Looking for Subjects for Epilepsy / CBD Study

The Primary Children’s Hospital in Utah is recruiting a total of 25 children with intractable epilepsy, age 2-17.  The cannabis extract study, led by Neurologist Francis Filloux, has...
July 31, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Vegan Chocolate Banana Ice Cream

Great Edibles Recipes: Vegan Chocolate Banana Ice Cream

Dairy-free, cruelty-free and totally vegan friendly, this medicated version of chocolate banana ice cream will be sure to send your taste buds into pure bliss!
July 30, 2014
New York Lawmakers Want Faster Medical-Marijuana Process

New York Lawmakers Want Faster Medical-Marijuana Process

New York lawmakers urged Gov. Cuomo to consider different ways to get the drug to epileptic children and terminally ill patients more quickly, such as obtaining marijuana from other states....
July 30, 2014
Cannabinoid Profile: A Crash Course in CBDa

Cannabinoid Profile: A Crash Course in CBDa

In this issue of Cannabinoid Profiles, the properties of CBDa are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this cannabinoid and discover what...
July 29, 2014
GOP Congressman Introduces CBD Oil Bill

GOP Congressman Introduces CBD Oil Bill

GOP Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania introduced a bill today that would make CBD oil legal under federal law. If passed, the “Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act...
July 29, 2014
Study: Marijuana Does Not Worsen Schizophrenia

Study: Marijuana Does Not Worsen Schizophrenia

Research from the University of Manchester sheds new light on the impact of marijuana use on schizophrenia. “There was no evidence of a specific association between cannabis...
July 29, 2014
Poll: Majority of Floridians Support Legalized Marijuana; Super-Majority Endorse Medicalization

Poll: Majority of Floridians Support Legalized Marijuana; Super-Majority Endorse Medicalization

Nearly nine out of ten Florida voters support legalizing the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, and a majority of Floridians support allowing adults to possess the...
July 29, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Cannabis Crock-Pot Minestrone Soup

Great Edibles Recipes: Cannabis Crock-Pot Minestrone Soup

This medicated, chunky minestrone soup is absolutely scrumptious, brimming with wholesome ingredients that will be sure to make you feel lively and rejuvenated after you eat...