Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

September 15, 2014
Is Big Pharma Behind Anti-Cannabis Research?

Is Big Pharma Behind Anti-Cannabis Research?

As we recognize the hidden financial ties between academics advocating for the prohibition and strict regulation of cannabis and large prescription drug companies, we begin to see...
September 15, 2014
Cannabis and Alzheimer’s: The Good and Bad

Cannabis and Alzheimer’s: The Good and Bad

Recent evidence espoused by the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute in Florida suggests that relatively small amounts of THC may slow or even halt Alzheimer’s disease.
September 12, 2014
Ohio Gubernatorial Candidate Supports Medical Marijuana

Ohio Gubernatorial Candidate Supports Medical Marijuana

Eighty-seven percent of Ohio votersĀ think that people should be able to use marijuana as medicine, although nearly all of the currently elected state officials, including Gov. John...
September 12, 2014
Hawaii Lawmakers May Ease Access to Medical Marijuana

Hawaii Lawmakers May Ease Access to Medical Marijuana

Hawaii residents will have a chance to voice their opinion on establishing a statewide system to dispense medical marijuana during a public hearing before the Hawaii Medical...
September 12, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.10)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.10)

The Florida initiative is in a close fight, hearings are coming in Hawaii, draft regulations are coming in Maryland, Illinois begins taking medical marijuana business applications, and...
September 11, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: “Baked” Cinnamon-Oat Apples

Great Edibles Recipes: “Baked” Cinnamon-Oat Apples

These “baked” apples are stoner-friendly and medicated with the help of cannabis-infused butter, and filled to the brim with a sugary-oat mixture.
September 11, 2014
Colorado Retail Marijuana Sales Finally Beat Medical

Colorado Retail Marijuana Sales Finally Beat Medical

Sales of legal retail marijuana have topped sales of medical marijuana in Colorado for the first time since the stateā€™s recreational pot shops opened their doors on...
September 10, 2014
Oregon Health Authority Orders 9 Illegal Dispensaries to Shut Down

Oregon Health Authority Orders 9 Illegal Dispensaries to Shut Down

The Oregon Health Authority has ordered nine unlicensed medical marijuana dispensaries, six of them in Portland, to shut down since the state launched its dispensary program in...
September 10, 2014
Massachusetts Marijuana Dispensaries Need Access to Banking System

Massachusetts Marijuana Dispensaries Need Access to Banking System

Nearly twoĀ years after Massachusetts voters approved medical marijuana, nine distribution centers are to open next year in places like Brookline, Lowell, Salem, and Quincy. The state licensing...
September 10, 2014
Is Medical Marijuana the Solution for ALS?

Is Medical Marijuana the Solution for ALS?

The ice bucket challenge has raised a huge amount of awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) — popularly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Ā With the help ofĀ celebrities,...
September 10, 2014
HHS: Federal Law Allows Marijuana Purchases With Welfare

HHS: Federal Law Allows Marijuana Purchases With Welfare

The federal government maintains the authority to curb funding to states that allow welfare recipients to use their EBT cards in liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs,...
September 10, 2014
Cancer Patient Avoids Prison for Growing Marijuana

Cancer Patient Avoids Prison for Growing Marijuana

A judge Tuesday gave probation rather than a prison sentence to a dying Iowa man convicted of growing marijuana and using it to treat his terminal cancer....
September 9, 2014
First Medicinal Marijuana Farm Approved in Chilean Capital

First Medicinal Marijuana Farm Approved in Chilean Capital

The governor of Metropolitan Santiago, Claudio Orrego, announced on Monday the approval by Chilean authorities of the first farm in this capital to grow marijuana for medicinal...
September 9, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Buddernut Squash Salad

Great Edibles Recipes: Buddernut Squash Salad

This medicated butternut squash salad will be sure to crank up your taste buds with bright and citrus-y dressing, and make you wanna snuggle up with all...
September 9, 2014
Cannabis 101: Shop Around Dispensaries

Cannabis 101: Shop Around Dispensaries

I found this new place had all the same stuff I liked about the first one, but at about 2/3 the price. After that visit, I...
September 9, 2014
Pennsylvania Moves Toward Medical Marijuana Legalization

Pennsylvania Moves Toward Medical Marijuana Legalization

As the Pennsylvania state Senate is set to reconvene on Sept. 15, a hotly contested national issue sits near the top of its agenda: medical marijuana. The...
September 8, 2014
New Mexico Worker’s Comp Must Cover Medical Marijuana

New Mexico Worker’s Comp Must Cover Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana a doctor recommended for an injured worker’s pain must be paid for by the workers’ employer and insurer, the New Mexico Court of Appeals ruled....
September 8, 2014
Hawaii Medical Marijuana Task Force Releases Updated Report

Hawaii Medical Marijuana Task Force Releases Updated Report

The Hawaii Medical Marijuana Dispensary Task Force just released a newly updated report on the policies and procedures for access, distribution, security, and other relevant issues related...
September 8, 2014
For-Profit Institutions Ineligible to Receive Medical Marijuana Research Grants

For-Profit Institutions Ineligible to Receive Medical Marijuana Research Grants

According to theĀ Denver Post, for-profit companies will not be awarded funding for state-supported medical marijuana research, under the terms of the grant program released Wednesday. However, for-profit...
September 8, 2014
UK Arthritis Patient Punished for Using Cannabis

UK Arthritis Patient Punished for Using Cannabis

55 year old Andrew Foster of Torquay openly admitted to production and possession of cannabis but claimed he was doing so purely for medicinal purposes. Foster suffers...