Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

September 23, 2014
The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

In a stark reminder that times and public opinions have changed, Fox’s Facebook thread about the “dangers” of wax was bombarded with hilarious comments calling them out...
September 22, 2014
Healing Recipes: Alzheimer’s Disease – Kale and Pineapple Smoothie

Healing Recipes: Alzheimer’s Disease – Kale and Pineapple Smoothie

While there is no known cure, preliminary research has shown that the THC compound may have potential for slowing or even halting the progression of Alzheimer’s. This...
September 22, 2014
Australian Prime Minister Backs Legalization of Medical Cannabis

Australian Prime Minister Backs Legalization of Medical Cannabis

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has thrown his support behind the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes. “I have no problem with the medical use of cannabis, just...
September 22, 2014
Edibles Review: Incredibles GUM-E

Edibles Review: Incredibles GUM-E

One of the latest recreational marijuana edible offerings is the Incredible GUM-E. From the makers of a popular line of chocolate candy bars, this is a pretty...
September 22, 2014
Employers Still Discriminating Against Colorado Cannabis Users

Employers Still Discriminating Against Colorado Cannabis Users

The backward logic of cannabis prohibition continues to create problems for fully functioning, responsible employees who are discriminated against by employers just because they partake of cannabis...
September 19, 2014
Realm of Caring Announces Charlotte’s Web to Be Shipped to All 50 US States

Realm of Caring Announces Charlotte’s Web to Be Shipped to All 50 US States

Families on Realm of Caring’s out-of-state wait list received emails this week that Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil™ will now be available for shipping to all 50 states....
September 19, 2014
Instafire: Pizza Dabs by West Coast Cure Extracts

Instafire: Pizza Dabs by West Coast Cure Extracts

Now here is a knee slapper when it comes to Instafire. I am getting munchies just looking at this thing!
September 18, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Our first-ever medical marijuana update with no news from California. But there are things going in places that are not the usual suspects–a sign of changing times,...
September 18, 2014
New Type of Vaporizer Developed for Hospitals

New Type of Vaporizer Developed for Hospitals

An Israeli start-up has developed a new type of vaporizing device, which they believe will give more doctors the confidence to prescribe marijuana. The Syqe Inhaler is...
September 18, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Vegan Split Pea Soup

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Vegan Split Pea Soup

This medicated split pea soup is vegan friendly and made in a slow cooker, making it perfect to enjoy on one of these approaching chilly autumn evenings.
September 18, 2014
Marijuana Caregivers Escape Colorado Crackdown

Marijuana Caregivers Escape Colorado Crackdown

Confronted with a room full of teary parents with sick children, Colorado health authorities on Tuesday changed course on a plan to limit marijuana caregivers to 10...
September 18, 2014
Supermajority May Be Needed to Pass Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Bill

Supermajority May Be Needed to Pass Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Bill

The Pennsylvania Senate reconvened on September 15 after their summer break, with the passage of medical cannabis near the top of the agenda.
September 17, 2014
NFL May Ease Marijuana Policy. Barely.

NFL May Ease Marijuana Policy. Barely.

On any given Sunday in the NFL, winners and losers can be hard to predict, as every fan and athlete knows. Now medical cannabis advocates are tasting...
September 17, 2014
Terpene Profile: Myrcene

Terpene Profile: Myrcene

In this issue of Terpene Profiles, the properties of myrcene are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this terpene and discover what...
September 17, 2014
The Banking Bind: How Federal Law Is Making Business Difficult for Cannabis Dispensaries 

The Banking Bind: How Federal Law Is Making Business Difficult for Cannabis Dispensaries 

While cannabis remains federally illegal, the banks hesitate to serve medical dispensaries despite their treatment as legal businesses by the state.
September 16, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Perfectly “Baked” Sweet Potatoes

Great Edibles Recipes: Perfectly “Baked” Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite vegetables of all time, especially baked and topped with butter, sugar and cinnamon. This medicated version will ensure that you...
September 16, 2014
New Jersey’s Broken Medical Marijuana Program Continues to Hurt Patients

New Jersey’s Broken Medical Marijuana Program Continues to Hurt Patients

New Jersey remains a poor excuse for a medical marijuana state, and patients continue to suffer the consequences. Currently, there remain only three dispensaries in the state,...
September 15, 2014
Marijuana Pizza Has Arrived in L.A.

Marijuana Pizza Has Arrived in L.A.

Earlier this year, Hollywood-born ganja entrepreneur Henry Mark, 24, introduced Los Angeles to the Stoned Oven Gourmet Pizza, placing his frozen $10 pies in a handful of...
September 15, 2014
Medical Marijuana: The Entourage Effect

Medical Marijuana: The Entourage Effect

Scientists have identified over 60 unique molecules in cannabis known as cannabinoids, which include THC and CBD. But while THC has gotten most of the attention, studies...
September 15, 2014
Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Your Vape Pen Will Probably Not Work

Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Your Vape Pen Will Probably Not Work

After working in sales in the marijuana industry for over two years, I’m ready to admit something that I wish I could tell every customer who wants...