CBD is usually taken orally as a cannabis-based concentrate or extract, but can you vaporize CBD? The very first study to investigate the process of vaporizing CBD...
Will Humble, Arizona’s State Health Director, is trying his damnedest to obliquely cripple the future of medical marijuana in his state. Humble is seeking to change the...
Judge Kimberly Mueller announced an end to five days of federal evidentiary hearings on the constitutionality of cannabis’ Schedule I status, requesting extensive briefings from the parties...
Competing definitions of the word ‘medicine’ clashed in the fourth day of hearings over the federal scheduling of cannabis, a day which witnessed fiery exchanges between NORML...
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because of the treats (and some tricks!). Thus I give you this spooktacular dessert: medicated spider cookies!
The third day of hearings on the constitutionality of cannabis’ federal Schedule I status presented further bizarre twists, as both federal prosecutors and NORML’s defense team appeared...
In most countries in the world, if you asked the local authorities for permission to grow 750 cannabis plants in a residential area of the capital city,...
A sensational new product has hit the market in California this year — Foria, the first cannabis infused lubricant designed to enhance a woman’s sexual experience. Vagina…
Assistant US Attorney Gregory Broderick stumbled badly in his cross-examination of Dr. Carl Hart in federal evidentiary hearings to determine the constitutional basis of the federal Schedule...
A new study suggests a pharmaceutical version of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) may be an effective treatment for non-cardiac chest pain, most commonly acid reflux. About 23% of the...
While no single special diet is prescribed for epileptic patients, those with epilepsy are advised to followed a well balanced and nutritious diet full of all the...
A literature review was released on October 7th in the journal Addiction, which examined the past twenty years of research on recreational cannabis use. According to various...
My favorite Autumn-inspired pancake recipe has to be this medicated pumpkin pancake with apple cider syrup. It contains all of the flavors of fall, packed into one...
It’s no secret that marijuana can affect a person’s memory. In today’s society, the stereotypical marijuana user is often perceived as someone who is forgetful and absent-minded....