Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

December 9, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated French Onion Soup

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated French Onion Soup

French onion soup is my favorite soup of all time. There, I said it. Bold statement, right? There’s just something about that savory, salty broth, those caramelized...
December 9, 2014
Even German Pharmaceutical Companies Hate Cannabis

Even German Pharmaceutical Companies Hate Cannabis

A recent article showcased the hesitance of German pharmaceutical companies to get behind cannabis legalization. Did I say hesitance? I meant something more along the lines of...
December 8, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Sherbet

My Favorite Strains: Sherbet

It was as if a whole pack of Jolly Ranchers matured into a refined, adult taste, ditched the sugar, and blended all together in a freshly-ground flower.
December 8, 2014
Cannabis Consumers and Cannabis Capitalists, Is There Common Ground?

Cannabis Consumers and Cannabis Capitalists, Is There Common Ground?

Common consumers just wanted our weed, we never wanted to be outside the law. Those who grew and sold illegal weed were, perhaps, only interested in the...
December 4, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Pumpkin Ganja Gnocchi

Great Edibles Recipes: Pumpkin Ganja Gnocchi

This medicated recipe for gnocchi features pumpkin gnocchi as the main star, accompanied by hints of fresh nutmeg and even a fresh sage butter sauce!
December 4, 2014
My Favorite Strains: King Louie

My Favorite Strains: King Louie

“Here smell this,” our delivery man said offering me the jar. My head was sent spinning, as I took a very potent whiff of the sweet piney...
December 4, 2014
Weedmaps Advertises Itself With Hilarious Videos

Weedmaps Advertises Itself With Hilarious Videos

Weedmaps, a website for reviewing strains and dispensaries, cleverly advertises itself by making satirical comedy videos on YouTube. The business, considered to be the Yelp of cannabis,...
December 3, 2014
Product Review: Apothecanna Extra Strength Pain Creme

Product Review: Apothecanna Extra Strength Pain Creme

This pain relief creme from Apothecanna is one of the best, handmade, small-batch, hemp-based product I have come in contact with.
December 3, 2014
Fired Arizona Cannabis Researcher Receives $2M Colorado Grant

Fired Arizona Cannabis Researcher Receives $2M Colorado Grant

The state of Colorado has announced that Dr. Sisley has been awarded a $2 million grant to conduct her research on veterans and PTSD. Earlier this year,...
December 2, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Crockpot Turkey Chili

Great Edibles Recipes: Crockpot Turkey Chili

This medicated recipe also has two secret ingredients: grape jelly and chocolate chips. They will be sure to make this turkey chili stand out as one of...
December 2, 2014
Georgia Lawmakers Push Bills to Legalize Cannabis

Georgia Lawmakers Push Bills to Legalize Cannabis

Sen. Thompson introduced two bills, one which would allow for individuals with certain illnesses to purchase full plant medical cannabis, and one which would allow for...
December 2, 2014
Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants for 8 Cannabis Studies

Health officials in Colorado have recommended funding for eight studies on the safety and health effects of cannabis.
December 1, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Head Knocker

My Favorite Strains: Head Knocker

The Head Knocker strain that I obtained from my local medical dispensary is becoming one of my daily favorites to consume. With the expert cross of Durban...
November 26, 2014
“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

Over a year ago, photographer Nichole Montanez began a project titled “Faces of Cannabis.” Her mission is to share the truth of what medical cannabis has done...
November 26, 2014
Cannabis: The Archenemy of Brain Tumors

Cannabis: The Archenemy of Brain Tumors

Dr. Wai Liu, senior author of this study out of the University of London found through trials in mice that THC and CBD in tandem with radiation...
November 26, 2014
Veterans May Gain Easier Access to Medical Marijuana

Veterans May Gain Easier Access to Medical Marijuana

The Veterans Equal Access Act, a bill introduced in Congress Thursday by Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) with 10 bipartisan cosponsors, would allow Department of Veterans...
November 25, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Vegetarian Stuffing

Great Edibles Recipes: Vegetarian Stuffing

This medicated vegetarian stuffing features an assortment of wild mushrooms, onions and celery, and a medley of fresh herbs.
November 24, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Kushberry

My Favorite Strains: Kushberry

I don’t think there’s a true cannabis connoisseur that doesn’t mind a nice, fruity flower once in awhile, but don’t let this strain fool you… she surely...
November 24, 2014
NFL and Cannabis: Quasi-Freepass and Why Players Use MJ

NFL and Cannabis: Quasi-Freepass and Why Players Use MJ

If we peel back the onion a bit on cannabis and see why players seem to seek it out, I think it can paint a fair image...
November 24, 2014
Terpene Profile: Humulene

Terpene Profile: Humulene

In this issue of Terpene Profiles, the properties of humulene are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this terpene and discover what...