Category: Medical Marijuana

(2,202 posts)

Medical marijuana news and commentary

December 30, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Cannabis Spiked Eggnog

Great Edibles Recipes: Cannabis Spiked Eggnog

Enjoy this creamy, spiced drink with your friends and family to ring in the new year! This cannabis-spiked eggnog is medicated with healing properties of marijuana instead...
December 30, 2014
Illinois Medical Marijuana Rules Include Access for Children

Illinois Medical Marijuana Rules Include Access for Children

The youth of Illinois may be prohibited from smoking weed, but once the state’s medical marijuana program goes into effect at the beginning of the year, children...
December 26, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Peanut Butter Cannabis-Kiss Cookies

Great Edibles Recipes: Peanut Butter Cannabis-Kiss Cookies

There’s just something about that pairing of smooth, creamy, peanut butter and chocolate that instantly makes my heart melt and mouth water. This medicated recipe for peanut...
December 24, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Cherry Shire Wax Concentrate

My Favorite Strains: Cherry Shire Wax Concentrate

I stumbled across this Cherry Shire wax concentrate the other day at my medical dispensary’s recreational store, and decided to give it a try based on look...
December 23, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Peppermint Buddah Bark

Great Edibles Recipes: Peppermint Buddah Bark

This medicated recipe perfectly features the peppermint flavor that many of us have grown accustomed to associating with the holiday season, as well as both white and...
December 22, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Chocolope

My Favorite Strains: Chocolope

You may recognize this strain name from previous reviews of mine, and that’s because I absolutely LOVE Chocolope and most strains that come from her.
December 22, 2014
Pasadena Firefighters Hold Fundraiser for Cannabis

Pasadena Firefighters Hold Fundraiser for Cannabis

Pasadena firefighters recently held a fundraiser to help mitigate the medical costs of 3 year old Cecelia von Harz, the daughter of one of the county’s fireman.
December 22, 2014
Dispensary Weed Might Not Be as Safe as You Think

Dispensary Weed Might Not Be as Safe as You Think

The weed you purchase legally at a government sanctioned dispensary is still just as variable as the strains you might buy from a dealer.
December 18, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Cheese

My Favorite Strains: Cheese

Cheese is most definitely a strain that gets crossed into a lot of different things, and it wouldn’t be such a popular parent strain if it wasn’t...
December 18, 2014
Seattle Teacher Accused of Buying Cannabis for a Student

Seattle Teacher Accused of Buying Cannabis for a Student

A teacher in Seattle surrendered his teaching certificate after allegedly purchasing cannabis for a student after school hours at a medical clinic.
December 18, 2014
What Does Drying Buds Do to Terpenes?

What Does Drying Buds Do to Terpenes?

Over at the University of Mississippi, they’ve been doing research on cannabis since 1968. One such study they submitted in 1995, The Volatile Oil Composition of Fresh...
December 18, 2014
Raids May Continue Under New Federal Spending Bill

Raids May Continue Under New Federal Spending Bill

Adding to the already considerable confusion in the mainstream media over the effects of cannabis-related provisions in the federal 2014 “cromnibus” spending bill which passed by an...
December 17, 2014
Israeli Company Wants to Grow “Designer” Cannabis

Israeli Company Wants to Grow “Designer” Cannabis

An Israeli company called KanaboSeed is in the early stages of developing so-called “designer” strains of medical cannabis that are genetically orchestrated to specific conditions and needs.
December 16, 2014
Epilepsy, CBD and Placebos, Oh My!

Epilepsy, CBD and Placebos, Oh My!

With science, medical science in particular, it is important to be able to replicate results with a certain degree of certainty before anything can be viewed as...
December 15, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Cannalope Haze

My Favorite Strains: Cannalope Haze

As an almost pure (90%) sativa based hybrid, Cannalope Haze has an extreme potency, known for reaching in the 20% range of THC.
December 15, 2014
Healing Recipes: Cancer – Carrot, Ginger, Beet Juice

Healing Recipes: Cancer – Carrot, Ginger, Beet Juice

Cannabis has proven to have many healing benefits for those battling cancer. This recipe combines medicinal cannabis and foods recommended for combating cancer to create a powerful...
December 15, 2014
Congress Passes Historic Medical Marijuana Protections in Spending Bill

Congress Passes Historic Medical Marijuana Protections in Spending Bill

Congress dealt a historic blow to the United States’ decades-long war on drugs Saturday with the passage of the federal spending bill, which contains protections for medical...
December 12, 2014
Instafire: Sticky Dab of Dank Full Melt

Instafire: Sticky Dab of Dank Full Melt

Solventless extracts are pretty bomb. Notice there is no H in there like I normally joke, that’s because there is no butane here – ever.
December 11, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Larry OG

My Favorite Strains: Larry OG

Upon first inhalation, the earthiness comes out in true OG strain form, followed by a slight piney, lemon hint. Hit after hit, the flavor seems to deepen.
December 10, 2014
Cannabis for Kids, Are There Other Applications?

Cannabis for Kids, Are There Other Applications?

Parents who have seen CBD oil offer their children, literally, a shot at a decent life, swear by marijuana’s efficacy. On the other side, opponents think that...