Chloe laid in a hospital bed while her parents lobbied Tennessee law makers to approve CBD oil for use in the state. Characteristically, politicians did a whole...
Brazil on Wednesday for the first time approved the use of a marijuana derivative to treat people suffering from epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia among other disorders. Directors of...
There’s a new subscription box service based in San Francisco that is specifically for weedists. Marvina is a high end service for cannabis connoisseurs that will send...
I’ve worked in the healthcare industry for the past 17 years, specializing in emergency, rehabilitation and end of life care at facilities ranging from large universities to...
This medicated recipe features a french toast casserole, with fresh blueberries and topped with your choice of nuts and maple syrup. Make a cold morning “toasty” with...
The appearance of this flower is very, I mean VERY, sugary, or densely covered in trichomes, to the point of a “sugar dipped” appearance. The aroma and...
There’s just something about pumpkin pecan pie that perfectly encapsulates the season, and the holiday, with all of those spices, flavors and textures.
I definitely recommend trying any product of Julie’s Baked Goods, especially the Groovy Granola bar by itself for a sweet treat, or with vanilla yogurt and blueberries...
In this issue of Terpene Profiles, the properties of terpinolene are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this terpene and discover what...
Diagnosed with breast cancer at a fairly young age, Xeni found herself genuinely contemplating death and dying, unsure of how, or even if, she would go on...
Nestdrop, a California based app/business that delivers medical cannabis from clinics to patients, has quickly been thwarted just as it was starting up.
Coming from very potent strains, Sweet 603 doesn’t disappoint. She offers a very emotionally and mentally uplifting high, as well as nice pain relieving qualities.
Two years after the overwhelming majority of Massachusetts voters approved the use of medical cannabis, the state still has a grand total of zero medical dispensaries opened...