Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

June 2, 2015
Great Edibles Recipes: Slow Cooked Herb Farmhouse Chicken

Great Edibles Recipes: Slow Cooked Herb Farmhouse Chicken

Using chicken thighs, celery, cremini mushrooms, some cut onions from the night before and a stick of butter, I tossed it all in the slow-cooker, dumped in...
June 2, 2015
Feds Think Cannabis Use Jeopardizes National Security

Feds Think Cannabis Use Jeopardizes National Security

The Department of National Intelligence recently issued a statement reminding all federal employees that at no time and under no circumstances are they allowed to use cannabis,...
June 2, 2015
Border Patrol Turns Immigration Checkpoint Into Drug Trap

Border Patrol Turns Immigration Checkpoint Into Drug Trap

If the border patrol is just becoming the DEA with a new name, we have some serious problems on our hands. One such incident occurred in early...
June 1, 2015
Instafire: Amazing E Dab Rig

Instafire: Amazing E Dab Rig

Personal Vapor units are now able to actively regulate voltage to keep temperatures consistent. This is HUGE for flavor no matter what you’re vaping. If it happens...
June 1, 2015
My Favorite Strains: Hazed LA Kush

My Favorite Strains: Hazed LA Kush

Hazed LA Kush. Seeing those three names put together, I already knew I had hit a jackpot.
June 1, 2015
Ex-Players Sue NFL Over Painkiller Pushers

Ex-Players Sue NFL Over Painkiller Pushers

The players presenting the lawsuit are alleging that all 32 professional NFL teams, from coaches to medical staff, illegally obtained and administered pharmaceutical pain pills to players...
June 1, 2015
National Geographic Dedicates Cover to Cannabis

National Geographic Dedicates Cover to Cannabis

National Geographic took a deep look at the science of weed and even made it the cover story of their most recent issue. When it comes to...
May 29, 2015
Piece of the Week | Mermaid Rockerz Rig by Robert Mickelsen

Piece of the Week | Mermaid Rockerz Rig by Robert Mickelsen

First of all, this is one of Mickelsen’s Rockerz rigs, and it does rock back and forth, as showcased by the video below. Next, take note of...
May 29, 2015
Instafire: Slab Window

Instafire: Slab Window

Check out this slab window of what I think is some Afgoo. This looks absolutely bhomb as hell.
May 28, 2015
Great Edibles Recipes: Mango Lassi

Great Edibles Recipes: Mango Lassi

A traditional Indian recipe, mango lassi is a cold, thick and irresistibly delicious drink that turns even the spiciest foods on the hottest of days into a...
May 28, 2015
Product Review: D-Nail 1.2 Electric Nail

Product Review: D-Nail 1.2 Electric Nail

While not a small investment, here are some key reasons why if you’re looking for a high-end electric nail, the D-Nail 1.2 deserves serious consideration.
May 27, 2015
Instafire: Atomiko Orange Rig

Instafire: Atomiko Orange Rig

Mr. Orange makes a nice little can. I’d imagine you can sip a good size glob with no trouble. I would love to dab out of one...
May 27, 2015
Missouri Governor Hopefully Sets Trend By Commuting Sentence of Cannabis Convict

Missouri Governor Hopefully Sets Trend By Commuting Sentence of Cannabis Convict

Missouri Governor, Jay Nixon, commuted the sentence of Jeff Mizanskey, a 61 year old man who was serving a mandatory life sentence for violating a “three-strikes” rule.
May 27, 2015
Veteran’s Affairs Can No Longer Enforce MMJ Ban

Veteran’s Affairs Can No Longer Enforce MMJ Ban

Another watershed moment in the cannabis movement happened somewhat under the radar. The Senate Appropriations Committee has passed a bipartisan amendment by a vote of 18-12 that...
May 26, 2015
Headiest Dab Pins: Diamond Yoshi

Headiest Dab Pins: Diamond Yoshi

Video games and dabs — I don’t know that anything else on this green earth makes me a happier man. This hand painted Yoshi Diamond dab pin...
May 26, 2015
Great Edibles Recipes: Turkey, Apple and Cheddar Panini

Great Edibles Recipes: Turkey, Apple and Cheddar Panini

This flavor combination absolutely mouth-watering — a turkey panini made with cheddar cheese and thin slices of green apple, all cooked using cannabis-infused butter and pressed to...
May 26, 2015
Survey Data Shows That WA and CO Did Right With Cannabis Legalization

Survey Data Shows That WA and CO Did Right With Cannabis Legalization

In Washington, the number of people who either like or don’t mind the legalization of weed has reached 77 percent of the population. That’s over 3/4 of...
May 26, 2015
Cannabidiol Pushed as Cure for Cannabis “Addiction”

Cannabidiol Pushed as Cure for Cannabis “Addiction”

I feel like many out there are trying really, really hard to put cannabis on par with serious drug and alcohol addiction. There is a reason that...
May 22, 2015
Piece of the Week | Epic Fumed Minitube by Kevin Nail

Piece of the Week | Epic Fumed Minitube by Kevin Nail

This absolutely gorgeous little banger is the work of Kevin Nail, who seems to have a way with colors aimed at taking your breath away.
May 22, 2015
Instafire: Predator Pink on the Grind

Instafire: Predator Pink on the Grind

Predator Pink is one of Pink 2.0’s parents. I’ve got to tell you that I love everything about this family!