In a stark reminder that times and public opinions have changed, Fox’s Facebook thread about the “dangers” of wax was bombarded with hilarious comments calling them out...
In an article from CNN, they reference a new study that explores the relationship between teen cannabis use and later life developments including high-school completion, attainment of...
I’ve got literal goose bumps at the keyboard while typing this. Hitman has already started doing some of their production line in ten mils, but I never...
One of the latest recreational marijuana edible offerings is the Incredible GUM-E. From the makers of a popular line of chocolate candy bars, this is a pretty...
While cannabis use in the general population has showed a steady increase (unsurprisingly in our softening cannabis culture), it has leveled off among teen users.
The backward logic of cannabis prohibition continues to create problems for fully functioning, responsible employees who are discriminated against by employers just because they partake of cannabis...
This pipe was found on Etsy from Elevator Glass. Hemp Seed Freezable Pipe I’ve always been a fan of freezable pipes. You can stick them in a freezer,...
This medicated split pea soup is vegan friendly and made in a slow cooker, making it perfect to enjoy on one of these approaching chilly autumn evenings.
For me, Cherub is a more recent discovery that is guiltily drowned in satirical-pop and electro-funk. Cherubs tongue in cheek lyrics consistently inject humor regardless of the...
Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite vegetables of all time, especially baked and topped with butter, sugar and cinnamon. This medicated version will ensure that you...
The NFL and the NFLPA have (tentatively) reached an agreement on a new drug policy for players. The league will still punish players who test positive for...
The idea that cannabis could be much worse for teenage users than previously expected, could make any parent lose sleep at night. Fortunately, those parents can breathe...
As we recognize the hidden financial ties between academics advocating for the prohibition and strict regulation of cannabis and large prescription drug companies, we begin to see...
Recent evidence espoused by the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute in Florida suggests that relatively small amounts of THC may slow or even halt Alzheimer’s disease.