Category: Features

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Weedist original cannabis content

November 24, 2014
NFL and Cannabis: Quasi-Freepass and Why Players Use MJ

NFL and Cannabis: Quasi-Freepass and Why Players Use MJ

If we peel back the onion a bit on cannabis and see why players seem to seek it out, I think it can paint a fair image...
November 24, 2014
Video of ‘Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time’ Goes Viral

Video of ‘Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time’ Goes Viral

Apparently when preparing to shoot the video it took a little effort to find some grandmas that had never tried cannabis before.
November 21, 2014
Piece of the Week | Stoner Unicorns

Piece of the Week | Stoner Unicorns

All of the glass featured above is meticulously crafted, with gorgeous, iridescent, dicro glass weed leaves. The attention to detail is, as usual, on point, and the...
November 21, 2014
Instafire: Cat in the Yoshi Dab Rig

Instafire: Cat in the Yoshi Dab Rig

Feast your eyes on this Cat in the Hat vs. Yoshi dab rig. The work is hella clean and the accessories are absolutely gorgeous
November 21, 2014
Dabs for Vegans

Dabs for Vegans

What’s the inevitable intersection between dabs and the MacGyver stoner? Why, dabs for vegans, of course.
November 20, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Mashed Potatoes

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Mashed Potatoes

This medicated version of mashed potatoes is creamy, buttery, fluffy, and best of all, home-made!
November 20, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Beavis & Butthead

Headiest Dab Pins: Beavis & Butthead

Beavis & Butthead friggin’ rocked and you know for sure they were dabbers.
November 20, 2014
Texas Church Bans Woman for Medical Marijuana

Texas Church Bans Woman for Medical Marijuana

Faith Bodle, a Texas mother who uses medical cannabis to treat symptoms of degenerative spine disease and congestive heart failure, has been banned from her church for...
November 19, 2014
Instafire: Fillacello Flip Disc by Slag Glass

Instafire: Fillacello Flip Disc by Slag Glass

Artist Slag Glass posted that fantastic little 14mm filacello flip disc rig. I am totally feeling the marias and purple in that neck.
November 19, 2014
Great Music While High: Buckethead

Great Music While High: Buckethead

A multi-genre master, Buckethead is an expert in such genres as progressive metal, funk, blues, jazz, bluegrass, ambient and avant-garde music.
November 19, 2014
New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

Opponents of legalization have, for a couple of years, been spouting off that marijuana use (especially among teens) is responsible for a drop in IQ. This argument...
November 18, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Cranberry, Walnut Salad With an Apple Cider Cannabis-Vinaigrette

Great Edibles Recipes: Cranberry, Walnut Salad With an Apple Cider Cannabis-Vinaigrette

This spinach salad encapsulates Autumn flavors, pairing together crispy apples, dried cranberries and crushed walnuts, all drizzled with an apple cider cannabis-vinaigrette.
November 18, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Lib-Errl-ty Dab Pin

Headiest Dab Pins: Lib-Errl-ty Dab Pin

This pin and dab’s dedicated to the day New York dabs in peace. Shouts out to my soldiers in Brooklyn and Strong Island doing it anyway.
November 18, 2014
Book Review: Marijuana Grow Bible, by Robert Bergman

Book Review: Marijuana Grow Bible, by Robert Bergman

Some of the information in this freely downloadable ebook is useful. Other tidbits are demonstrably false. And some of the book’s advice, if followed uncritically, could lead...
November 18, 2014
Uruguay Presidential Candidates Opposite on Mujica’s Legal Weed Law

Uruguay Presidential Candidates Opposite on Mujica’s Legal Weed Law

Due to Uruguay law, Mujica is forbidden from serving two consecutive terms as president and will be replaced. The two leading candidates have opposing views on the...
November 17, 2014
Instafire: Mothership E-rig

Instafire: Mothership E-rig

Shouts out to inventive Instagram user @trippydabs for posting this Instafire. It’s a super clean rig, a Mothership Klein recycler with a nice extension connected to an...
November 17, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Recon

My Favorite Strains: Recon

The effects of Recon hit me as soon as I exhale; almost evocative of how deep-breathing exercises relax you after a few deep breaths.
November 17, 2014
Nestdrop Develops Medical Cannabis Delivery App

Nestdrop Develops Medical Cannabis Delivery App

Technology is constantly evolving and changing the ways in which we live, and now thanks to an innovative company, it can help you get some weed too....
November 17, 2014
KannaLife Sciences Creating Cannabis Treatment for NFL Players

KannaLife Sciences Creating Cannabis Treatment for NFL Players

KannaLife is moving forward on a derivation of CBD for NFL players. What sets KannaLife Sciences apart from the vast majority of potrepreneurs is that they hold...
November 17, 2014
Eastern Washington MJ DUIs On the Rise… Maybe

Eastern Washington MJ DUIs On the Rise… Maybe

In the somewhat small Eastern Washington town of Spokane Valley, there is a rise in marijuana-related DUIs.