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Weedist original cannabis content

December 10, 2014
Cannabis for Kids, Are There Other Applications?

Cannabis for Kids, Are There Other Applications?

Parents who have seen CBD oil offer their children, literally, a shot at a decent life, swear by marijuana’s efficacy. On the other side, opponents think that...
December 9, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: The Walking Dab

Headiest Dab Pins: The Walking Dab

You know it, you love it… The Walking Dab. We all know what a good Indica will do to you.
December 9, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated French Onion Soup

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated French Onion Soup

French onion soup is my favorite soup of all time. There, I said it. Bold statement, right? There’s just something about that savory, salty broth, those caramelized...
December 9, 2014
Even German Pharmaceutical Companies Hate Cannabis

Even German Pharmaceutical Companies Hate Cannabis

A recent article showcased the hesitance of German pharmaceutical companies to get behind cannabis legalization. Did I say hesitance? I meant something more along the lines of...
December 9, 2014
Interview: Tommy Chong on Dancing With the Stars, Smoke Swipe and More

Interview: Tommy Chong on Dancing With the Stars, Smoke Swipe and More

Tommy Chong recently had a go on Dancing With the Stars, and got to show off his dance moves. I had the pleasure of speaking with him...
By: Rae Lland
December 8, 2014
Instafire: Glowing Buddha Medicated Macchiato

Instafire: Glowing Buddha Medicated Macchiato

A 100mg medicated instant brew caramel macchiato. Can you say, “had me at hello?”
December 8, 2014
My Favorite Strains: Sherbet

My Favorite Strains: Sherbet

It was as if a whole pack of Jolly Ranchers matured into a refined, adult taste, ditched the sugar, and blended all together in a freshly-ground flower.
December 8, 2014
Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

In a new study, researchers found that women between the age of 30 and 50 are key players in the battle for legalization in Colorado and Washington.
December 8, 2014
Cannabis Consumers and Cannabis Capitalists, Is There Common Ground?

Cannabis Consumers and Cannabis Capitalists, Is There Common Ground?

Common consumers just wanted our weed, we never wanted to be outside the law. Those who grew and sold illegal weed were, perhaps, only interested in the...
December 5, 2014
Piece of the Week | Rainbow Puking Panda Rig

Piece of the Week | Rainbow Puking Panda Rig

Featuring a spacey wig wag belly and a flowing cascade of rainbow barf, this Panda is clearly having one hell of a trippy day.
December 5, 2014
Instafire: Iceberg Glass 10mm Penguin Banger

Instafire: Iceberg Glass 10mm Penguin Banger

Nothing beats an adorable little rig. This fantastic little penguin banger, by Iceberg Glass, immediately struck me as Instafire.
December 5, 2014
Stoner App Review: Weed Scale

Stoner App Review: Weed Scale

While many of these apps, from silly games to reference guides, are sold with a novelty aspect, the latest one I’ve encountered is truly a novelty that...
December 4, 2014
Great Edibles Recipes: Pumpkin Ganja Gnocchi

Great Edibles Recipes: Pumpkin Ganja Gnocchi

This medicated recipe for gnocchi features pumpkin gnocchi as the main star, accompanied by hints of fresh nutmeg and even a fresh sage butter sauce!
December 4, 2014
My Favorite Strains: King Louie

My Favorite Strains: King Louie

“Here smell this,” our delivery man said offering me the jar. My head was sent spinning, as I took a very potent whiff of the sweet piney...
December 4, 2014
Weedmaps Advertises Itself With Hilarious Videos

Weedmaps Advertises Itself With Hilarious Videos

Weedmaps, a website for reviewing strains and dispensaries, cleverly advertises itself by making satirical comedy videos on YouTube. The business, considered to be the Yelp of cannabis,...
December 3, 2014
Instafire: Samuerrl Jackson Dab Mat

Instafire: Samuerrl Jackson Dab Mat

Pulp Fiction is stoner gold that simply doesn’t get old. I was immediately in love when I discovered this dab mat.
December 3, 2014
Great Music While High: Primus

Great Music While High: Primus

Primus is a great band to listen to if you’re looking to have a fun/trippy time while grooving to the delectable bass licks of the visionary Les...
December 3, 2014
Product Review: Apothecanna Extra Strength Pain Creme

Product Review: Apothecanna Extra Strength Pain Creme

This pain relief creme from Apothecanna is one of the best, handmade, small-batch, hemp-based product I have come in contact with.
December 3, 2014
Sabet Weeps as Cannabis Culture Thrives

Sabet Weeps as Cannabis Culture Thrives

Big Cannabis is really a non-factor in regards to legalization. Sabet, for his part, has used this argument as one of the main stilts of his rhetoric....
December 2, 2014
Headiest Dab Pins: Terpee Slurpee Dab Pin

Headiest Dab Pins: Terpee Slurpee Dab Pin

I must admit I laughed pretty damn hard when I saw this hat pin. If you’re wondering what it means, terpenes are where your weed’s flavor lives....