An Israeli company called KanaboSeed is in the early stages of developing so-called “designer” strains of medical cannabis that are genetically orchestrated to specific conditions and needs.
It turns out that the latest development in drug trafficking between the U.S., Mexico border is that cannabis grown in the United States is increasingly being...
Homemade cinnamon rolls triumph over every other kind I’ve enjoyed, and this medicated version is sure to blow you away! These cannabis-cinnamon rolls are puffy, full of...
With science, medical science in particular, it is important to be able to replicate results with a certain degree of certainty before anything can be viewed as...
Former Disney child star and singer Miley Cyrus started this December off right, when she smoked weed on stage during a performance at the Raleigh Hotel.
Check out these collabo carb caps by Happy Daddy Products. They are totally rad. These are classic Highly Educated carb caps combined with Happy Daddy Swords.
The House of Representatives passed a republican backed “cromnibus” spending bill just hours before the deadline, which will stop the legalization of cannabis voted for by the...
Two young women from Colorado have teamed up to form the company Cannabrand, a marketing/PR firm that deal exclusively with cannabis related businesses.
This week, the United States Department of Justice released a memo stating that Native American tribes are legally allowed to grow marijuana on their designated tribal lands.
Upon first inhalation, the earthiness comes out in true OG strain form, followed by a slight piney, lemon hint. Hit after hit, the flavor seems to deepen.