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Weedist original cannabis content

January 13, 2015
DPA’s Ethan Nadelmann Gives TED Talk

DPA’s Ethan Nadelmann Gives TED Talk

Ethan Nadelmann, former professor and current Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance, recently gave a TED talk on the War on Drugs, why it’s a miserable failure,...
January 12, 2015
Instafire: Mothership Fab Egg and Banger Shining

Instafire: Mothership Fab Egg and Banger Shining

Mothership Faberge Eggs are Instafire 100% of the time, but I really love ’em when they’re clean. The “fab” is a staple for serious dabbers and concentrate...
January 12, 2015
My Favorite Strains: Chernobyl

My Favorite Strains: Chernobyl

The appearance of this flower is very, I mean VERY, sugary, or densely covered in trichomes, to the point of a “sugar dipped” appearance. The aroma and...
January 12, 2015
Cannabis Cooking Emerging as a Sophisticated Culinary Art

Cannabis Cooking Emerging as a Sophisticated Culinary Art

Cannabis is working its way into many mainstream aspects of our culture, and now culinary cannabis is starting to take hold as a legitimate culinary art.
January 12, 2015
Truffles and Cannabis: A Striking Similarity

Truffles and Cannabis: A Striking Similarity

Truffles themselves, when studied, were found to have an endocannabinoid system of their own.
January 12, 2015
UK Doc Tries to Blame Cannabis for Poor Lung Health

UK Doc Tries to Blame Cannabis for Poor Lung Health

The claims in the article appear, on the patina, to be fairly damning of cannabis. Among them, reporting that people in their 30’s have the lungs of...
January 9, 2015
Piece of the Week | Golden Fire Bird Rig

Piece of the Week | Golden Fire Bird Rig

Maybe it’s because I’m a bit of a birder, maybe it’s because this thing is simply fierce, but whatever the reason, I think I fell in love...
January 9, 2015
Instafire: Errl Thomas Seahawks Jersey

Instafire: Errl Thomas Seahawks Jersey

You know I love my errl and my Hawks, so this was nothing short of magic to me. Earl Thomas, number 29, is the Seahawks strong safety...
January 9, 2015
My Favorite Strains: Berry White

My Favorite Strains: Berry White

I never knew fruity could be this sexy… until I tried the legendary Berry White. Medicating with Berry, I discovered, is a transcendent experience.
January 8, 2015
Great Edibles Recipes: Pumpkin “Pecannabis” Pie

Great Edibles Recipes: Pumpkin “Pecannabis” Pie

There’s just something about pumpkin pecan pie that perfectly encapsulates the season, and the holiday, with all of those spices, flavors and textures.
January 8, 2015
2014’s Top Rated Music for Stoners

2014’s Top Rated Music for Stoners

The music app known as 8tracks has compiled a playlist of new tracks from 2014 that users rated the top songs to listen to when high.
January 8, 2015
My Favorite Strains: Top Five of 2014

My Favorite Strains: Top Five of 2014

Looking back at all the other great strains that were covered in 2014, I have a few favorites that I would highly recommend. Here are my favorite...
January 7, 2015
Instafire: Solstice Grown 5 Star On Deck

Instafire: Solstice Grown 5 Star On Deck

When it comes to growing, there are hitters and then there’s heavy hitters. Solstice Gardens are certainly the latter.
January 7, 2015
Edibles Review: Julie’s Baked Goods, Groovy Granola Bar

Edibles Review: Julie’s Baked Goods, Groovy Granola Bar

I definitely recommend trying any product of Julie’s Baked Goods, especially the Groovy Granola bar by itself for a sweet treat, or with vanilla yogurt and blueberries...
January 7, 2015
Great Music While High: 2014 Best Of

Great Music While High: 2014 Best Of

2014 was a great year in music, if for no other reason then that there is such a variety of great music available across many different genres.
January 7, 2015
Georgia Middle School Teacher Charged for Letting Students Smoke Weed

Georgia Middle School Teacher Charged for Letting Students Smoke Weed

A Chereokee middle school teacher may face up to three misdemeanor charges involving the use of cannabis and allowing for minors to use cannabis. 40 year old...
January 6, 2015
Headiest Dab Pins: Banjo Optimus Prime

Headiest Dab Pins: Banjo Optimus Prime

Banjo’s Optimus Prime torch rig is one of a series of Transformer themed torch tubes that costs more than our cars. I’d kill just for this pin....
January 6, 2015
Great Edibles Recipes: Crockpot Cannabis Hot Cocoa

Great Edibles Recipes: Crockpot Cannabis Hot Cocoa

One of my favorite drinks around this time of year is delicious hot cocoa. You’ll be sure to love this rich, creamy, and chocolaty drink.
January 6, 2015
Necessity Opens Cancer Patient’s Mind to Cannabis

Necessity Opens Cancer Patient’s Mind to Cannabis

Diagnosed with breast cancer at a fairly young age, Xeni found herself genuinely contemplating death and dying, unsure of how, or even if, she would go on...
January 6, 2015
City Attorney Puts an End to California Nestdrop Cannabis App

City Attorney Puts an End to California Nestdrop Cannabis App

Nestdrop, a California based app/business that delivers medical cannabis from clinics to patients, has quickly been thwarted just as it was starting up.