Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have recently conducted a detailed analysis of attitudes towards weed on Twitter. Their findings: Twitter loves the...
White Fire OG is a 60% sativa dominant hybrid known to be a trichome crystal covered flower that holds extreme potency (upwards of 20-25% THC) and an...
A New Jersey anti-cannabis campaign aims to convince people that marijuana is a dangerous substance akin to underage drinking and prescription drug abuse.
This new admission puts Senator Cruz among the ranks of Republican politicians who admitted to smoking weed, such as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush who was apparently...
Recently, Sabet tweeted about an article from Food and Wine magazine which discusses that, in Denver, there is an epidemic of people going to restaurants so stoned...
This Slurm Glass recycler is absolutely gorgeous. I loved the angled Quave Club Banger attached and next gen carb cap. This is the level every dabber wants...
The main issue is how to reconcile the medical community with the recreational community. Medical cannabis has been legal in Washington for nearly 20 years, recreational pot...