Former Utah circuit judge Paul Cassell is speaking out against mandatory minimums and the unjust nature of the court system that required him to impose massively overblown...
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, were amazing for my generation and for the generation after. What’s especially tight about this pin is the reference to the...
This medicated recipe features sweet potato fries, which are a healthier alternative to traditional Idaho potatoes, and are topped with an array of fancy garnishes.
In California, medical marijuana patients are banned from receiving organ transplants. However, it looks like there might finally be some progress in the works to solve a...
Scientists have been studying 100 million year old grass found in Myanmar, cased in amber. The study’s lead author stated that he’s fairly certain that the infected...
A study recently came out backing up what pro-cannabis advocates have known (and been screaming at naysayers) for decades: cannabis is safer than booze, tobacco and other...
Jamaican legislators in the Lower House passed a law that will decriminalize possession of small amounts of cannabis. Under the new law, possession of as little as...
Earlier this week I was talking with one of my close budtenders when she mentioned that a representative of the Girl Scouts of the USA chapter, Girl...
These rigs feature a wide variety of authentic crystals such as quartz, kyanite, fluorite, labradorite, Herkimer diamond druzy, and smokey quartz to name just a few.
Where the Wild Things Are is a great movie for weedist because of it’s dreamy childlike quality, the beautiful soundtrack, and the surreal imagery on screen.
This medicated recipe features home-made brownies made with semi-sweet chocolate, crowned with cheesecake batter, and then swirled together into a marbleized dessert fit for the divine.
Dear Gloria, I’m worried that I’m beginning to bore my girlfriend in the bedroom. The sex is good, but the passion isn’t there anymore. How can I spice...
While Herblore is inventive, I must criticize it for missing the core essence of cannabis, which is the plant’s versatility. While the mod allows players to harvest...
This is a gorgeous encalmo styled, sand blasted mini-tube. The lines are clean and the little opal is absolutely to die for. It’s a 10mm which means...
This chocolate bar had me excited from the beginning. I love “crispies” in my chocolate bars and real dried blueberries, which are my favorite dried fruit.
Councilman Jim Mulvihill of San Bernardino took the opportunity to spread a little fear mixed with a soupcon of bull-crap. The councilman was miffed about the Southern...