Category: Vaporizers

(94 posts)

Vaporizer tips, tricks, reviews and news

December 15, 2015
Product Review: Honey Stick Sub-Ohm Vaporizer

Product Review: Honey Stick Sub-Ohm Vaporizer

The Honey Stick Sub-Ohm Vaporizer for concentrates is crafted to deliver thick, full, clean hits of pure vapor and it does not disappoint!
September 14, 2015
Product Review: Cloud V Phantom Herbal Vaporizer

Product Review: Cloud V Phantom Herbal Vaporizer

The Cloud V Phantom Premium herbal vaporizer is a vaporizer on a mission: a mission to bring you the best, most satisfying vape session possible. Make no...
June 29, 2015
Instafire: Floyd’s Flower Power

Instafire: Floyd’s Flower Power

I figured it might be a good time for another renaissance with straight flower. This was a night out with a big group of friends. Solstice Dutch...
June 24, 2015
Product Review: EpicVape E-Nano

Product Review: EpicVape E-Nano

I was simply amazed and taken aback by the craftsmanship, the quality of the vapor produced, and the ease of use. The EpicVape E-Nano vaporizer reminds me...
June 4, 2015
Product Review: Pax 2 Vaporizer

Product Review: Pax 2 Vaporizer

The Pax 2 vaporizer is a streamlined and elegant device that does not deviate from its predecessor’s good looks, charm and efficiency.
By: Rae Lland
May 28, 2015
Product Review: D-Nail 1.2 Electric Nail

Product Review: D-Nail 1.2 Electric Nail

While not a small investment, here are some key reasons why if you’re looking for a high-end electric nail, the D-Nail 1.2 deserves serious consideration.
April 21, 2015
Great Edibles Recipes: Garlic Linguine with Kale and White Beans

Great Edibles Recipes: Garlic Linguine with Kale and White Beans

This vegetarian-friendly medicated pasta dish features linguine, lots of fresh garlic, chopped kale, and cannellini beans!
January 28, 2015
Product Review: Arizer Solo Portable Diffuser

Product Review: Arizer Solo Portable Diffuser

The Solo is quite enjoyable to use and can vape both flower and wax. To be honest using wax with this vape is where I’ve seen the...
January 26, 2015
Cannabis Study Finds No Negative Effects on Lung Health Over 20-Year Period

Cannabis Study Finds No Negative Effects on Lung Health Over 20-Year Period

We’ve all heard the same old rhetoric about smoking and how bad it is for your lungs. Well according to researchers from Emory University, smoking weed has...
January 6, 2015
Necessity Opens Cancer Patient’s Mind to Cannabis

Necessity Opens Cancer Patient’s Mind to Cannabis

Diagnosed with breast cancer at a fairly young age, Xeni found herself genuinely contemplating death and dying, unsure of how, or even if, she would go on...
January 5, 2015
Three Important Cannabis Milestones in 2014

Three Important Cannabis Milestones in 2014

A few cannabis-culture milestones happened during 2014.
December 19, 2014
Product Review: Indica Vaporizer

Product Review: Indica Vaporizer

This vaporizer was clearly designed to be simple and effective, which is just my speed as a weedist who likes getting high without worrying too much about...
December 12, 2014
Product Review: V2 Pro Series 3 Portable Vaporizer

Product Review: V2 Pro Series 3 Portable Vaporizer

The V2 Pro Series 3 vaporizer pen can handle flower, oils and even e-liquid.
December 10, 2014
BOOK REVIEW: Beyond Buds, by Ed Rosenthal With David Downs

BOOK REVIEW: Beyond Buds, by Ed Rosenthal With David Downs

Beyond Buds could not have come out at a better time. Consumers in every corner of the country are curious to learn about, and to try, the...
November 25, 2014
Official Bob Marley Cannabis Brand ‘Marley Natural’ Announced

Official Bob Marley Cannabis Brand ‘Marley Natural’ Announced

The iconic legend, prophet and activist Bob Marley has been a symbol of peace, love and justice for almost six decades and now his family is teaming...
November 24, 2014
Video of ‘Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time’ Goes Viral

Video of ‘Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time’ Goes Viral

Apparently when preparing to shoot the video it took a little effort to find some grandmas that had never tried cannabis before.
September 30, 2014
4 Year Old Kicks Cancer With Cannabis

4 Year Old Kicks Cancer With Cannabis

Here is yet another marijuana success story that flies directly in the face of its schedule I federal status designation of “no medical use.” 4 year old...
September 15, 2014
Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Your Vape Pen Will Probably Not Work

Tips for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Your Vape Pen Will Probably Not Work

After working in sales in the marijuana industry for over two years, I’m ready to admit something that I wish I could tell every customer who wants...
September 4, 2014
Warning: Do Not Vaporize Edible Cannabis Oil

Warning: Do Not Vaporize Edible Cannabis Oil

Beyond Chronic points out the differences between Hash oil (an extract of cannabis) and edible cannabis oil (actual oil infused with cannabis), and warns us of the dangers of...
September 3, 2014
Best Substance Emmy Goes to Cannabis

Best Substance Emmy Goes to Cannabis

Those looking for more evidence that cannabis is going mainstream need seek no further than the Emmy awards. More than a few pot-friendly comments were made at...