Teen alcohol and drug use — including marijuana use — was down across the board in 2014. That’s the big take-home from the 2014 Monitoring the Future study...
Uruguay’s first marijuana fair, dubbed “Expocannabis” has opened in Montevideo, a year after the growing and sale of the drug was legalized in this country. The legalization...
Homemade cinnamon rolls triumph over every other kind I’ve enjoyed, and this medicated version is sure to blow you away! These cannabis-cinnamon rolls are puffy, full of...
With science, medical science in particular, it is important to be able to replicate results with a certain degree of certainty before anything can be viewed as...
Former Disney child star and singer Miley Cyrus started this December off right, when she smoked weed on stage during a performance at the Raleigh Hotel.
Check out these collabo carb caps by Happy Daddy Products. They are totally rad. These are classic Highly Educated carb caps combined with Happy Daddy Swords.
Cannabis has proven to have many healing benefits for those battling cancer. This recipe combines medicinal cannabis and foods recommended for combating cancer to create a powerful...
Upon first inhalation, the earthiness comes out in true OG strain form, followed by a slight piney, lemon hint. Hit after hit, the flavor seems to deepen.
Parents who have seen CBD oil offer their children, literally, a shot at a decent life, swear by marijuana’s efficacy. On the other side, opponents think that...
French onion soup is my favorite soup of all time. There, I said it. Bold statement, right? There’s just something about that savory, salty broth, those caramelized...