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Great Edibles Recipes: Potent Cannabis Infused Tea - Weedist

Great Edibles Recipes: Potent Cannabis Infused Tea, Source: http://www.denalihealthcaremi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/tea-marijuana.jpgCannabis infused tea is relatively simple to make, and is just so soothing and delicious! This medicated recipe features tea brewed from cannabis buds combined with a bit of organic coconut oil prior to steeping – this ensures that the THC (the psychoactive/one of many medicinal components of marijuana) decarboxylates correctly, as THC is not water-soluble on its own. If coconut oil isn’t your thing, feel free to leave it out, just be aware that the tea will be much less psychoactive without the fat from the coconut oil aiding the decarboxylation process. Try something new with a hot and relaxing cup of weed tea.

Serves 4

Here’s What You Need:

  • 3.5 grams of cannabis (finely ground)
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 tea bags (of your choice)
  • 4 teaspoons organic coconut oil
  • Optional additions: organic honey, sugar, milk, etc.

How to Make Potent Cannabis Infused Tea

To begin, boil 4 cups of water in a tea kettle over the stove.

While the water is boiling, grind up the 3.5 grams of cannabis using a grinder or your fingers. You want the buds to be pretty finely ground up at the end of it all.

Next, add the ground cannabis buds to a small bowl and combine with 4 teaspoons of organic coconut oil, mixing the two ingredients together. If you’re feeling like an extra potent cup of tea, use teaspoons of cannabis-infused coconut oil instead of plain! Remember to always start low and go slow when it comes to any sort of edible.

Pro tip: feel free to add a bit of your tea of choice to the coconut oil/cannabis bud mixture. Adding roughly 1 teaspoon of tea per cup desired, (i.e. chai or earl grey), will not only yield a tastier tea, but it will also allow you to cater the cannabis tea to your taste buds, while keeping the same medicinal properties as the original recipe.

Next, divide the coconut oil/cannabis bud blend evenly between 4 tea bags or mesh tea infusers – either one will work just fine for this recipe.

Place the 4 tea bags/infusers into mugs and pour the boiling water from your tea kettle over top each bag, filling each cup up to the brim.

Allow the cannabis-tea to steep for several minutes; roughly 5-7 minutes.

After this amount of time has passed, remove the tea bags from the cups and discard them.

Finally, allow yourself and your guests to add any of the optional additions to your cups of cannabis-infused teas. Some of my personal recommendations are a drizzle of organic honey, a spoonful of sugar, and/or a splash of milk.

Serve immediately and enjoy.

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Edibles Recipes series!