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Great Edibles Recipes: Chocolate Covered Sativa Strawberries

Great Edibles Recipes: Chocolate Covered "Sativa" Strawberries, Source: http://www.daylightfoods.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/chocolate-covered-strawberries.jpgChocolate covered strawberries are a simple, romantic gesture that most people fall head over heels for. The majority of folks I know would love to receive a scrumptious treat like this on their special day. Next time you make them, try something new by adding a cannabis twist! This medicated recipe features juicy strawberries dunked into a chocolate/cannabis-coconut oil blend that will have your special someone feeling all types of love!

Yields 20 strawberries

Here’s What You Need:

  • 1 lb organic strawberries (approximately 20 strawberries at room-temperature)
  • 6 ounces semi-sweet chocolate (chopped – you may also use chocolate chips)
  • 2 tablespoons of cannabis-infused coconut oil
  • Sheet pan/cookie sheet
  • Parchment paper

How to Make Chocolate Covered “Sativa” Strawberries

To begin, rinse the strawberries well and pat them dry. Do not hull the strawberries.

Allow the strawberries to sit out on the counter and come to room-temperature. This will ensure that the strawberries do not condensate, which would cause the chocolate to not adhere properly. Make sure they are dry before applying the chocolate.

While the strawberries are coming to room-temperature, begin to prep the cannabis-infused chocolate.

In a medium-size glass bowl (or any other heat-safe bowl) add the chopped semi-sweet chocolate, and 2 tablespoons of cannabis-infused coconut oil.

Next, grab a medium-size sauce pot, one that will allow the heat-proof bowl to sit on top, and fill it about half way with water.

Then, place the sauce pan over low-heat on the stove top.

Fit the heat-proof bowl containing the chopped chocolate and cannabis-infused coconut oil over the top of the sauce pot so that the bottom of the bowl sits directly above the water line – do not allow the bottom of the bowl to touch the water, or you risk burning your chocolate! The idea here is to allow the simmering water to give off steam, which in turn heats the bottom of the bowl and melts the chocolate in a much slower way than applying heat directly to it.

Bring the water in your sauce pot to a simmer, and allow the chocolate and cannabis-infused coconut oil to melt together – stirring occasionally to help expedite the process.

While the chocolate is melting, prep a sheet pan or cookie tray with a sheet of parchment paper.

Once the chocolate is melted and smooth, you can begin to dip the strawberries. Dip the room-temperature and dry strawberries into the melted chocolate sauce, as far up the strawberry as you can go. When backing the strawberry out of the chocolate, make sure to twist it to swirl the “chocolate tail” back onto itself.

Place the chocolate covered strawberry onto your prepped sheet pan and repeat the process until all of the strawberries have been dipped into the chocolate sauce.

Place the sheet pan into your refrigerator and chill the strawberries until the chocolate is completely set and has fully hardened – approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Remove the strawberries from the refrigerator and serve them immediately. Enjoy!

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Edibles Recipes series!