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Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Fruit Spritzers - Weedist

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Fruit Spritzers, Source: http://images.agoramedia.com/everydayhealth/gcms/Summer-Drinks-04-alt-722x406.jpgAlcohol-free and cannabis infused, these fruit spritzers are a super refreshing and fun way to jazz up your ordinary drinking water. Citrus fruits and berries work best, but the sky is truly the limit! Come up with a combination all your own. As an aside, these waters can also be diluted down (just double the amount of distilled water and go from there) and stored in mason jars to be used as fruit-infused detox waters! Here are three simple recipes for delicious fruit spritzers.

Serves 1

1. Blackberry-Sage Spritzer

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Fruit Spritzers, Source: http://static.squarespace.com/static/506c4963e4b04376cb18bfd3/t/51cf1149e4b05d425c82e591/1372524874121/blackberry%20cocktail

Here’s What You Need:

  • ½ cup crushed ice
  • ½ cup organic blackberries
  • ½ tablespoon organic honey
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon cannabis-infused glycerin based tincture (adjust according to personal medicinal needs)
  • ¾ cup sparkling mineral water or distilled water
  • 2 fresh sage leaves
  • Optional garnishes: fresh blackberries, slices of lime

How to Make Blackberry-Sage Spritzers

To begin, add the blackberries, lime juice, honey and cannabis-infused tincture to a small bowl. Using a fork, slightly mash some of the blackberries and mix the ingredients around until they are well combined. Set the bowl to the side and allow the berries to macerate for 5 minutes.

Next, add ice to a mason jar or cup and then pour the blackberry-mixture on top.

Finally, pour in the sparkling water, stir with a spoon, and garnish with the fresh sage leaves.

Serve and enjoy!

2. Raspberry-Lime Spritzer

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Fruit Spritzers, Source: http://www.spoonandsaucer.com/wp-content/uploads/spritzer.jpg

Here’s What You Need:

  • ½ cup crushed ice
  • ½ cup organic raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon organic honey
  • 1 tablespoon cannabis-infused glycerin based tincture (adjust according to personal medicinal needs)
  • ¾ cup sparkling mineral water or distilled water
  • Optional garnishes: fresh raspberries, slices of lime, fresh mint leaves.

How to Make Raspberry-Lime Spritzers

To begin, add the raspberries, lime juice, honey and cannabis-infused tincture to a small bowl. Using a fork, slightly mash some of the raspberries and mix the ingredients around until they are well combined. Set the bowl to the side and allow the berries to macerate for 5 minutes.

Next, add the ice to a mason jar or cup and then pour the raspberry-mixture on top.

Then, pour in the sparkling water and stir with a spoon. Feel free to add any garnishes.

Serve immediately and enjoy!

3. Cucumber-Lemon-Mint Spritzer

Great Edibles Recipes: Medicated Fruit Spritzers, Source: http://explife.express.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/cucumber-mint-lemon-spritzer-005.jpg

Here’s What You Need:

  • 4 slices of organic cucumber
  • 2 slices of lemon
  • pinch of fresh mint leaves
  • ½ cup crushed ice
  • ¾ cup sparkling mineral water or distilled water
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey
  • 1 tablespoon cannabis-infused glycerin based tincture (adjust according to personal medicinal needs)

How to Make Cucumber-Lemon-Mint Spritzers

To begin, add the cucumber slices, lemon slices and mint leaves to a mason jar or cup.

Next, add in the ice and the sparkling water.

Finally, pour in the organic honey, lemon juice and cannabis-infused tincture, and stir well with a spoon to combine. Feel free to garnish with a lemon wedge.

Serve and enjoy!

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Edibles Recipes series!