The White House scolded Congress Thursday for meddling with the District of Columbia’s recent vote to legalize marijuana, saying federal lawmakers shouldn’t “interfere” in the matter. Within...
The New York Times has joined the majority of US citizens in the call for a more rational marijuana policy. The White House responded with an attempt...
When the White House issued a statement last night saying that marijuana should remain illegal — responding to our pro-legalization editorial series — officials there weren’t just...
In a Statement of Administration Policy, released today, President Obama’s administration took a firm stance against recent efforts by Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) to restrict the District...
Continuing from Part 1 of my What the FAQ?, in regards to’s rather exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on marijuana: Question: Isn’t marijuana generally harmless? From the...
Obama’s recent bombshell comments on marijuana fired up my curiosity to do a bit more digging. has quite an exhaustive (and highly biased) FAQ section on...
In a great article on Policymic, Christopher Blakely shoots down 8 bits of misinformation still being spread about marijuana and legalization by the White House despite our...
Because I signed one of those pro-cannabis online petitions once upon a time, the White House sent me a follow-up email that made reference to last week’s...
In news that surprised me, a softball team of cannabis lobbyists co-captained by Dan Riffle of MPP (the One-Hitters) beat the Softball Team of the United States...
Curtis Kyle, a Michigan resident with cerebral palsy who has used a wheelchair his whole life, is “rolling to the White House” to talk to politicians about...
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP — the drug czar’s office) released its 2013 National Drug Control Strategy Wednesday. The strategy is being billed as a “21st...
After fierce internal controversy, the White House has reportedly authorized a vast expansion of spying capabilities, including the ability to investigate innocent citizens. One senior official called the...
At the dawn of the cannabis legalization epoch that was ushered in on election night when the commonsense-minded voters of both Colorado and Washington elected to end...
Representatives Barney Frank, a Democrat from Massachusetts, and Republican Ron Paul of Texas, polar opposites on many issues, joined together Wednesday in asking the White House to refrain...
03:44pm Last Thursday, the White House released its annual determination of major drug trafficking or producing countries, singling out Bolivia, Burma, and Venezuela as countries that have...