Tag: war on drugs

(556 posts)
February 12, 2015
Koch Backed Group Seeks to Help Drug War Victims

Koch Backed Group Seeks to Help Drug War Victims

Thanks to mandatory sentencing laws, Weldon Angelos, a father of two, has been sentenced to 55 years in jail for selling cannabis. But a Koch-brother backed group,...
February 6, 2015
HR 667: New Bill Would Protect VA Doctors Recommending Cannabis

HR 667: New Bill Would Protect VA Doctors Recommending Cannabis

In yet another signal of the eroding federal war against medical marijuana, Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) along with eight bipartisan cosponsors has introduced HR 667: The Veterans...
February 4, 2015
2 Chainz vs. Nancy Grace: Fight!

2 Chainz vs. Nancy Grace: Fight!

Recently, Nancy Grace invited famous rapper, 2 Chainz, on her show to discuss marijuana.
January 13, 2015
DPA’s Ethan Nadelmann Gives TED Talk

DPA’s Ethan Nadelmann Gives TED Talk

Ethan Nadelmann, former professor and current Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance, recently gave a TED talk on the War on Drugs, why it’s a miserable failure,...
December 23, 2014
Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Parents 4 Pot Holiday Drive Lets You Help Drug War Victims

Now in its second year, the drive focuses on helping families that have been hurt by the war on cannabis. These families struggle to survive every day,...
By: Anna Diaz
December 17, 2014
U.S. Grown Weed Being Smuggled Into Mexico

U.S. Grown Weed Being Smuggled Into Mexico

It turns out that the latest development in drug trafficking between the U.S., Mexico border is that cannabis grown in the United States is increasingly being...
December 15, 2014
Congress Passes Historic Medical Marijuana Protections in Spending Bill

Congress Passes Historic Medical Marijuana Protections in Spending Bill

Congress dealt a historic blow to the United States’ decades-long war on drugs Saturday with the passage of the federal spending bill, which contains protections for medical...
December 5, 2014
Traffic Report: No Increase in Drugged Driving

Traffic Report: No Increase in Drugged Driving

Claims that more drivers are operating vehicles under the influence of marijuana and other controlled substances are unsupported by federal data, according to the conclusions of a...
December 1, 2014
Ferguson and the Racist Drug War

Ferguson and the Racist Drug War

Ferguson, Missouri has become a bedrock of racial tension since the shooting death of unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, by police officer Darren Wilson. In light of the...
November 21, 2014
Philadelphia Cops: 90 Lbs of Green Delivered to City Blue

Philadelphia Cops: 90 Lbs of Green Delivered to City Blue

The green keeps on flowing at City Blue, near Philadelphia, where another 30 pounds of marijuana was just delivered today to the Upper Darby clothing store that...
November 19, 2014
Michigan Medical Marijuana Card Holder Commits Suicide After Police ‘Witch Hunt’ Over Pot ‘Butter’

Michigan Medical Marijuana Card Holder Commits Suicide After Police ‘Witch Hunt’ Over Pot ‘Butter’

A former corrections officer took his own life over the weekend after being found guilty in a case involving marijuana-infused butter. Bernhardt was charged earlier this year with making marijuana...
November 7, 2014
The Surprising Truth About ‘Driving While High’

The Surprising Truth About ‘Driving While High’

As more and more states adopt medical and recreational marijuana policies, it seems the most feared outcome of legalization is that with the passage of laws that...
November 6, 2014
Will Congress Block Legalization in DC?

Will Congress Block Legalization in DC?

Initiative 71, the noncommercialized cannabis legalization measure submitted to voters in Washington, D.C., has passed by an overwhelming two-thirds majority — but a lone member of Congress...
November 5, 2014
New Yorker Blames Pot Smoke for Ruining Her Life

New Yorker Blames Pot Smoke for Ruining Her Life

Enter Jennifer Garam, stage left. She recently penned an article that Time published called “I Don’t Want to Smell Your Pot Smoke and I Don’t Think it...
November 5, 2014
Cannabis Country: The Evolution of Cannabis in the U.S.

Cannabis Country: The Evolution of Cannabis in the U.S.

Marijuana is without a doubt one of the hottest topics on the ballot this election, and the direction of the cannabis movement rests entirely on the voice...
October 23, 2014
Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

It looks like my favorite punching bag and one of the most vocal shit-peddlers, Kevin Sabet, took his stinky train of bullshit to Oregon earlier this month...
October 20, 2014
Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Lil Jon and Rock the Vote Present #TURNOUTFORWHAT

Rock the Vote’s latest campaign involves a video that, quite frankly, was more amazing than I could have ever anticipated. It just kept getting better and better...
October 16, 2014
New Trove of Carl Sagan Papers Revealed

New Trove of Carl Sagan Papers Revealed

However, thanks to a collection of some 600,000 of Sagan’s documents that the Library of Congress recently made available to the public, we are getting a deeper...
October 6, 2014
Where Does the Word ‘Marijuana’ Come From?

Where Does the Word ‘Marijuana’ Come From?

Many are unaware that before it was termed ‘marijuana’, most people in the U.S. referred to the plant as ‘cannabis’. So where does the word ‘marijuana’ come...
September 12, 2014
Tennessee Man Arrested for Drugs After Butt-Dialing 911

Tennessee Man Arrested for Drugs After Butt-Dialing 911

Tennessee police say they arrested a man for drugs after he pocket-dialed 911 and dispatchers heard him talking about getting high and going to a drug dealer’s...