Tag: war on drugs

(556 posts)
August 12, 2013
Gil Kerlikowske: The Drug Czar’s Living Obituary

Gil Kerlikowske: The Drug Czar’s Living Obituary

The remarkable man who encouraged legislation by doing absolutely nothing. After four years at the helm of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Gil Kerlikowske has...
August 12, 2013
Richard Branson: Speak Out on the War on Drugs

Richard Branson: Speak Out on the War on Drugs

Sir Richard Branson asks us to speak out on the war on drugs. “This is a global problem, not a national issue, and everyone who can should...
August 9, 2013
Medicinal Marijuana Needy: The Story of Michael Brooks, Part 2

Medicinal Marijuana Needy: The Story of Michael Brooks, Part 2

Weedists: Meet Michael Brooks “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Michael Brooks represents a new trend,...
August 9, 2013
Miami Federal Prosecutor Called on Misconduct in Drug Cases

Miami Federal Prosecutor Called on Misconduct in Drug Cases

Special to Drug War Chronicle by Houston-based investigative journalist Clarence Walker, cwalkerinvestigate@gmail.com Part 6 in a series, “Prosecutorial Misconduct and Police Corruption in Drug Cases Across America.” There...
August 9, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Rise of the Warrior Cop

Chronicle Book Review: Rise of the Warrior Cop

Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, by Radley Balko (2013, Public Affairs Press, 382 pp., $18.57 HB Amazon) Whatever happened to Officer...
August 8, 2013
Saluting a Great Mind: Abraham Lincoln

Saluting a Great Mind: Abraham Lincoln

I recently took a trip to see President Abraham Lincoln’s home and presidential library in Springfield, Illinois. Since I learned as a child that he said, “It...
August 8, 2013
Attorney General Eric Holder Wants Sentencing Reform

Attorney General Eric Holder Wants Sentencing Reform

We at Weedist have covered a great deal about US Attorney General Eric Holder, and I must admit I was quite surprised when I saw that he...
August 7, 2013
Great Music While High: Justin James Bridges

Great Music While High: Justin James Bridges

Justin James Bridges is a Texan who has made his home in Portland. When he brought his special style of Texas blues to Oregon, he changed music...
By: Anna Diaz
August 7, 2013
Broken Laws Shatter Happy Home: The Alexandria Hill Story

Broken Laws Shatter Happy Home: The Alexandria Hill Story

This story is absolutely heartbreaking but I think it is story that needs to be told. No commentary is necessary to highlight the (forgive my neologism) “f#@ked-upness”...
August 6, 2013
CNN AC360: Widespread Fraud in CA Rehab Industry

CNN AC360: Widespread Fraud in CA Rehab Industry

Last week, CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Drew Griffin reported on an investigation into California’s drug rehabilitation industry as part of the “Keeping them Honest” reports. What they...
August 5, 2013
What is One Person’s Life Worth? The Story of Michael Brooks

What is One Person’s Life Worth? The Story of Michael Brooks

Some would say by the weight of his sins. I say a person’s worth is based on his compassion. Michael Brooks, Re-Location Fund for Survival: When you...
July 30, 2013
Obama Administration Spending $180,000 Per Day to Undermine State Marijuana Laws

Obama Administration Spending $180,000 Per Day to Undermine State Marijuana Laws

On Huffington Post, Americans for Safe Access Executive Director Steph Sherer discusses her association’s report “What’s the Cost?”, which details the expenses of the federal government’s interference...
July 29, 2013
MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

MPP Ad Pulled From NASCAR Brickyard 400

Thanks to the rotten Drug Free America Foundation, MPP’s “New Beer” legalization ad has been pulled from the Jumbotron at the NASCAR Brickyard 400. Since the ignorant...
July 29, 2013
Time – The Zimmerman Mind-Set

Time – The Zimmerman Mind-Set

“Our criminal-justice system has for decades been infected with a mind-set that views black boys and men in particular as a problem to be dealt with, managed and...
July 26, 2013
Deanna Jean, Minnesota Mom, Fights for Medical Marijuana

Deanna Jean, Minnesota Mom, Fights for Medical Marijuana

Weedists: Meet Deanna Jean “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Deanna Jean, or DJ as she is...
By: Anna Diaz
July 19, 2013
Chronicle Book Review Essay: Murder and Mayhem in Mexico

Chronicle Book Review Essay: Murder and Mayhem in Mexico

The Executioner’s Men: Los Zetas, Rogue Soldiers, Criminal Entrepreneurs, and the Shadow State They Created, by George Grayson and Samuel Logan (2013, Transaction Publishers, 338 pp., $28.89...
July 15, 2013
70% of Recent Major US Drug Seizures Are Marijuana Related

70% of Recent Major US Drug Seizures Are Marijuana Related

In an excellent article on The Daily Chronic, Scott Gacek examines a study which found over 70% of US drug seizures big enough to make the news...
July 12, 2013
Obama Administration Brought 80 Percent More Medical Marijuana Cases Than Bush

Obama Administration Brought 80 Percent More Medical Marijuana Cases Than Bush

As reported on Politix, the Obama administration has imprisoned almost as many medical marijuana growers in the first 6.5 years of this administration, as in the entire...
July 12, 2013
Chronicle Book Review: Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling

Chronicle Book Review: Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling

Race to Incarcerate: A Graphic Retelling by Sabrina Jones and Marc Mauer (2013, The New Press, 111 pp., $17.95 PB Amazon) Marc Mauer, the executive director of the The...
July 9, 2013
4 Shady Drug Bust Tactics

4 Shady Drug Bust Tactics

In a great article on Salon, Kristen Gwynne first examines the shady practice of asset forfeiture, then describes 4 shady drug bust tactics used by police: fake...