Tag: tobacco

(48 posts)
December 18, 2013
Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

Above the Influence? How About the Truth RE: Marijuana

As part of my/our ongoing quest to combat misleading, incomplete, or down right bad “facts” about marijuana, I recently found myself perusing the cannabis page at Above...
December 16, 2013
10 States Most Addicted to Cigarette Smoking, Guess How Many Permit Cannabis Use

10 States Most Addicted to Cigarette Smoking, Guess How Many Permit Cannabis Use

Health.com recently used “government data on smoking (and quit) rates, smoking bans and restrictions, cigarette taxes and sales, and deaths attributable to smoking” to identify the top...
September 11, 2013
Big Marijuana? How About Be Afraid of Big-time Prohibitionists?

Big Marijuana? How About Be Afraid of Big-time Prohibitionists?

A fellow named David Frum recently wrote an anti-cannabusiness screed on CNN.com entitled “Be Afraid of Big Marijuana.” Frum is a Prohibitionist yammerer who’s on the Board of Directors...
August 8, 2013
Video: Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Marijuana, We’ve Been Terribly Misled, DEA Has No Scientific Basis

Video: Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Marijuana, We’ve Been Terribly Misled, DEA Has No Scientific Basis

Dr. Sanjay Gupta made a huge statement for cannabis reform, when he appeared on Piers Morgan last night and apologized on air for opposing marijuana legalization in...
August 1, 2013
It Begins: Someone Wants to Start “Marlboro of Marijuana”

It Begins: Someone Wants to Start “Marlboro of Marijuana”

We all knew it was coming, self-proclaimed genius Brian Laoruangroch, 29, wants to run a marijuana business like a tobacco business. His goal is to become the “Marlboro...
July 26, 2013
Florida Bong Ban – House Bill 49 – Dazed and Confused

Florida Bong Ban – House Bill 49 – Dazed and Confused

House Bill 49, known as the ‘Florida Bong Law’ has literally gone up in smoke. News agencies continue to tirelessly spin the story as they deem appropriate, and...
June 21, 2013
Study: Cigarettes’ Thirdhand Smoke Causes DNA Damage

Study: Cigarettes’ Thirdhand Smoke Causes DNA Damage

A study led by researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has found for the first time that thirdhand smoke from cigarettes, the noxious residue that clings to...
June 19, 2013
You Don’t Need Prohibition to Help People

You Don’t Need Prohibition to Help People

A new Centers for Disease Control study has found the US rate of tobacco usage dropping again: ATLANTA (AP) — Fewer U.S. adults are smoking, a new government...
April 23, 2013
The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

The Results Are In: Clubbers Really Like Drugs

    This year, Mixmag partnered up with the Guardian and Gay Times to conduct their annual “Global Drug Survey” — the world’s largest independent survey on which drugs...
March 29, 2013
Study: Significantly Better Health Outcomes With Smoking Cannabis Than Tobacco

Study: Significantly Better Health Outcomes With Smoking Cannabis Than Tobacco

Adults who inhale cannabis report significantly better health outcomes than do those who smoke tobacco or a combination of both substances, according to exploratory survey data to be published...
February 26, 2013
Cannabis Is Part of Our Society

Cannabis Is Part of Our Society

Felicity @ BeyondChronic grapples with most cannabis prohibitionists’ excuse to keep alcohol and tobacco legal because they’re “part of our society,” yet ignore the fact that millions of Americans use...
February 20, 2013
MT Legislator: Marijuana, “The Most Dangerous Drug There Is”

MT Legislator: Marijuana, “The Most Dangerous Drug There Is”

Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Alcohol causes violent behavior and deaths by liver cirrhosis and alcohol poisoning. People die...
January 28, 2013
Oregon Bill Would Make Cigarettes Controlled Substances

Oregon Bill Would Make Cigarettes Controlled Substances

An Oregon lawmaker has introduced a bill that would make cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance. That means it would be illegal to possess or distribute cigarettes...
January 23, 2013
War on Marijuana – Protecting Teens? Hasn’t Worked

War on Marijuana – Protecting Teens? Hasn’t Worked

Steve Chapman explains the failures of existing drug laws to protect minors. He cites the fact that while alcohol and tobacco use have decreased in teens over...
January 3, 2013
Negatives of Cannabis Legalization?

Negatives of Cannabis Legalization?

As 2012 ends and 2013 begins, I reflect back and think how the world has changed from just a year ago. Cannabis legalization is at the forefront of...
December 21, 2012
Teen Pot Use Stalls as States Continue to Regulate Use

Teen Pot Use Stalls as States Continue to Regulate Use

012 Despite several attempts by the media and policy makers to associate the rising number of state regulated medical marijuana programs (and popular legalization efforts) with a...
December 20, 2012
Will Cigarette Makers Jump Into Cannabis Market?

Will Cigarette Makers Jump Into Cannabis Market?

A Philip Morris USA (Marlboro) spokesman was vague when asked if the nation’s largest tobacco company will produce or market cannabis. A spokesperson from the 2nd largest firm, Reynolds American...
December 13, 2012
Will National Legalized Marijuana Help or Hurt Big Pharma, Tobacco and Alcohol?

Will National Legalized Marijuana Help or Hurt Big Pharma, Tobacco and Alcohol?

In a country desperate for tax revenue, and an aging population that grew up with marijuana as part of the landscape, the concept of national marijuana legalization...
December 7, 2012
Sir Richard Branson: War on Drugs a Trillion-Dollar Failure

Sir Richard Branson: War on Drugs a Trillion-Dollar Failure

Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group and a member of the Global Drug Commission poses the simple question on drug prohibition; What do we have to...
October 30, 2012
Video: Retired Police Captain Demolishes the War On Drugs

Video: Retired Police Captain Demolishes the War On Drugs

LEAP co-founder and retired police captain, Peter Christ, appears on WGRZ-TV in Buffalo, NY and takes on all aspects of our country’s disastrous War on Drugs. Christ is...