Tag: thc

(144 posts)
April 24, 2014
Arizona: Supreme Court Rejects DUI Per Se Standard for THC Metabolites

Arizona: Supreme Court Rejects DUI Per Se Standard for THC Metabolites

The Arizona Supreme Court this week rejected a 1990 state law that classified the presence of inert THC metabolites in blood or urine as a per se traffic safety violation. Carboxy-THC,...
April 4, 2014
Mississippi Assembly Passes Limited Medical Marijuana Bill

Mississippi Assembly Passes Limited Medical Marijuana Bill

Last week, the Mississippi General Assembly overwhelmingly passed HB 1231, which would legalize certain, very limited medical marijuana extracts for patients suffering from seizure disorders. While this bill is a...
April 2, 2014
Marijuana Potency Increasing, Project SAM Needs a Diaper Change

Marijuana Potency Increasing, Project SAM Needs a Diaper Change

What is it with the anti-pot crowd and their penchant for drama? Seriously, some of these people ought to work for the National Inquirer. Heidi Heilman (who unsurprisingly...
April 2, 2014
Head of Epilepsy Foundation Wants Marijuana Oil Available

Head of Epilepsy Foundation Wants Marijuana Oil Available

“Charlotte’s Web” is a strain of marijuana grown in Colorado that is named for Charlotte Figi. Charlotte and others with severe epilepsy have found relief from seizures by ingesting...
April 1, 2014
Study Finds Legalization of Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Crime, May Decrease Violent Crime

Study Finds Legalization of Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Crime, May Decrease Violent Crime

The 18-year-old question as to whether or not legalizing medical marijuana causes an increase in crime seems to be answered in a recent study by a team of researchers...
March 27, 2014
As California Moves To Ban Dabs, Washington Wants To Legalize

As California Moves To Ban Dabs, Washington Wants To Legalize

Last week, we learned that a bill in California’s state legislature could ban dispensaries from legally selling high-THC cannabis concentrates, and now, it appears Washington is taking the opposite...
By: Andy Cush
March 27, 2014
THC Mythology: The Demonization of Mr. T. H. Cannabinol

THC Mythology: The Demonization of Mr. T. H. Cannabinol

At Ladybud, Dianna Donnelly reports her experience battling the mythology about “Mr. T.H. Cannabinol” She says, “THC has absolutely nothing to do with laziness – quite the...
March 12, 2014
Medical Marijuana and ‘The Entourage Effect’

Medical Marijuana and ‘The Entourage Effect’

Mechoulam believes all the components of the cannabis plant likely exert some therapeutic effect, more than any single compound alone. Marijuana may offer its most profound benefit as...
March 10, 2014
Study Explains Why Marijuana Makes Some Paranoid

Study Explains Why Marijuana Makes Some Paranoid

Medical research published in the journal Neuron confirms that cannabinoid receptors are present in the part of the brain that regulates anxiety and fear, the amygdala. More studies...
March 10, 2014
Patients Ought To Be Skeptical Of Proposed CBD-Only Legislation — Here’s Why

Patients Ought To Be Skeptical Of Proposed CBD-Only Legislation — Here’s Why

In recent weeks, lawmakers in several states have moved forward with legislative proposals to permit specific strains and/or extracts of cannabis possessing high quantities of the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD), but otherwise...
February 20, 2014
Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells

Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells

Collective Evolution discusses how THC kills cancer cells, with a video explanation from molecular biologist Dr. Christina Sanchez.
February 20, 2014
Tip for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Take It Slow With Edibles

Tip for Buying Legal Weed in Colorado: Take It Slow With Edibles

This past month marked the first month of legal marijuana sales in Colorado and the United States as a whole, and as a retail worker in one...
February 13, 2014
Potential Danger Behind Marijuana Edibles

Potential Danger Behind Marijuana Edibles

I’ve always been impressed with how many things THC can be infused in to. I’ve seen hard candies, chex-mix, all manner of cookie, cake, and brownie; I’ve...
January 27, 2014
NFL and Cannabis: A Glimmer of Hope

NFL and Cannabis: A Glimmer of Hope

The NFL has finally shown the first flecks of common sense regarding marijuana use among its players. By no means is it time for players to start sparking...
January 3, 2014
Researchers Say Natural Brain Chemical Could Reduce High From THC in Cannabis

Researchers Say Natural Brain Chemical Could Reduce High From THC in Cannabis

A French research team says pregnenolone, a precursor to all steroid hormones that was thought to be otherwise inactive,  appears to reduce THC intoxication, memory loss and increased...
December 31, 2013
High Tolerance Edibles Review: Wana Big Dog Chew

High Tolerance Edibles Review: Wana Big Dog Chew

With medical marijuana dispensaries offering more and more new edibles to their patients all the time, it’s become pretty amazing just how many different kinds of candies,...
December 12, 2013
Taming Tinctures – Liquid Cannabis

Taming Tinctures – Liquid Cannabis

When people refer to marijuana tincture they’re talking about cannabis dissolved into some liquid. There’s two main liquids used in tinctures: alcohol and glycerin. THC may be...
By: Alice
November 27, 2013
Cannabis 101: Checking Out Trichomes

Cannabis 101: Checking Out Trichomes

You know you’ve likely got some good weed if it’s covered in trichomes. These are the little white mushroom-like things that stick to your weed and is...
November 14, 2013
Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

Marijuana Tolerance Breaks: 5 Ways to Pass the Time With Ease and in Better Health

I still take marijuana tolerance breaks approximately every three months for a week (a good rule of thumb from my doctor at Medicann), so I don’t have...
November 8, 2013
Cannabis 101: Choosing a Strain

Cannabis 101: Choosing a Strain

Another challenge facing the marijuana newcomer is choosing the proper strain. Frankly, this may not be too much of a concern when you’re just starting out. Similar...