Tag: Steve Sarich

(5 posts)
October 15, 2012
Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Yes On I-502 Rally at WA State Capitol Disrupted by ‘No’ Activists

Demonstrating the contentiousness of the issue and the passion of activists on both sides, a Yes on Initiative 502 rally sponsored by New Approach Washington, at the...
October 11, 2012
At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives

At NORML, A Sharp Focus on the Marijuana Initiatives

12:40pm The 41st annual national NORML conference took place at a downtown Los Angeles hotel over the weekend under the theme of “The Final Days of...
September 28, 2012
Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure in Strong Position

Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure in Strong Position

12:51pm A little more than a month out from Election Day, Washington state’s I-502 marijuana legalization, regulation, and taxation initiative looks to be well-positioned to actually win at...
July 25, 2012
Washington Marijuana Initiative Has Good Week

Washington Marijuana Initiative Has Good Week

06:52pm This has been a good week for I-502, the Washington state initiative to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana, and its sponsors, New Approach Washington. Over...
July 20, 2012
Medical Marijuana Advocates Sue to Stop Legalization Measure

Medical Marijuana Advocates Sue to Stop Legalization Measure

Sadly as some in the medical marijuana industry fought California’s Prop 19 legalization measure, similar forces are at work for this November’s Initiative 502 ballot measure in...