A Richmond police officer was found in possession of 3 pounds of cannabis at his home. Authorities say Veteran K-9 officer Joe Avila will likely not...
California’s medical marijuana battles continue, the Florida initiative is polling strong (according to its own poll), the Pennsylvania Senate is about to vote on a medical marijuana...
Interest in medical marijuana is spreading in the South, New Hampshire inches toward dispensaries, and in California, one farmers’ market gets shut down in LA even as...
The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled Wednesday that police officers cannot search vehicles based solely upon the smell of unburnt marijuana, Boston.com reports. The court had...
The Supreme Judicial Court Wednesday said that because voters decriminalized small amounts of marijuana in 2008, police officers in Massachusetts can no longer rely on the odor...
Jacob Sullum recounts the story of a New Mexico woman that was taken against her will and fruitlessly probed by drug warriors and their ‘medical’ helpers.
Private plane pilots, especially those traveling to or through states with relaxed marijuana laws, are being subjected to warrantless searches by state and federal law enforcement, the Toledo...
Federal prosecutors asked the 9th Circuit to let them pursue charges over a Washington drug-growing operation even though the state decriminalized the manufacture of medical marijuana. Washington...
Special to Drug War Chronicle by Clarence Walker, freelancewriter82@gmail.com When the tech world news web site CNET published excerpts of a leaked DEA memo explaining how, during an investigation, the...
Special to Drug War Chronicle by Clarence Walker, freelancewriter82@gmail.com Blocked by a Supreme Court decision from using GPS tracking devices without a warrant, federal investigators and other law...
The Supreme Court on Tuesday relaxed the standards for courts to consider vehicle searches prompted by an alert from a drug-sniffing dog. Writing for the unanimous panel, Justice...
06:13pm A Memphis police officer was shot and killed early Friday morning during a marijuana raid, and, hours later, a Dallas man was shot and killed...
The United States government is set to vote on an e-mail privacy bill which, if passed, will enable government agencies to read Americans’ e-mails without warrants as...
Law enforcement are using “stingrays,” which allows them to know who you are calling and the precise location of every device within the range of the mobile being...
by Terrie Best, San Diego Americans for Safe Access Over 60 senior citizens put the Edward Schwartz Federal Courthouse on its ear by forming a long line...
12:51pm special to Drug War Chronicle by investigative journalist Clarence Walker, cwalkerinvestigate@gmail.com The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging a federal appeals court ruling that it...
05:58pm A group of Nevada Highway Patrol troopers and a retired police sergeant have filed a lawsuit against the Patrol and the Las Vegas Metro Police...