Tag: San Diego

(93 posts)
October 21, 2013
Help ASA Stop the Third Prosecution of Jovan Jackson

Help ASA Stop the Third Prosecution of Jovan Jackson

San Diego District Attorney and anti-medical cannabis crusader Bonnie Dumanis wants to put a patient-provider on trial for the third time. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) needs...
October 14, 2013
Jury Instructions Complete in Jovan Jackson Trial

Jury Instructions Complete in Jovan Jackson Trial

Medical marijuana patient and Navy veteran Jovan Jackson, along with his attorney, Lance Rogers assisted by Logan Fairfax and Rezwan Khan were in court Thursday and Friday,...
October 3, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.10.02)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.10.02)

California localities continue to grapple with medical marijuana issues; meanwhile, officials in three states are moving forward with implementing medical marijuana laws, and a key Kentucky politician...
September 23, 2013
San Diego Union Tribune Endorses Medical Marijuana

San Diego Union Tribune Endorses Medical Marijuana

San Diego Union Tribune endorses medical marijuana and urges San Diego City Council to adopt an ordinance allowing safe access for patients rather then an outright prohibition....
September 19, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.18)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.09.18)

A California dispensary regulation bill dies, the dark ages return to San Diego, Massachusetts towns enact moratoria, New Jersey gives a loan to a dispensary, and more....
September 18, 2013
Perspective: Dispensaries Already Are Permitted in San Diego

Perspective: Dispensaries Already Are Permitted in San Diego

At last week’s San Diego ASA meeting held Giovanni’s, aside from Councilmember Alvarez, we also heard from several attorneys. Among them, Attorney Nathan Shaman spoke about Andrew...
September 17, 2013
Councilmember Alvarez Declares Support for Safe Access

Councilmember Alvarez Declares Support for Safe Access

On Tuesday of last week at the September chapter meeting, current San Diego City Councilmember and Candidate for Mayor, David Alvarez stopped by and spoke to the group...
September 10, 2013
Medical Marijuana Advocacy Meeting – San Diego ASA

Medical Marijuana Advocacy Meeting – San Diego ASA

Here are just a few questions that our chapter continues to receive from patients throughout the county on a weekly basis: How many plants can I legally...
August 13, 2013
San Diego Dad Says Medical Pot Use Cost Family Custody

San Diego Dad Says Medical Pot Use Cost Family Custody

San Diego County took two little children away from their parents for a year, and lied about it, because the father used medical marijuana on the advice...
August 1, 2013
Judge Threatens to Arrest Observers for Advocacy in Hearing

Judge Threatens to Arrest Observers for Advocacy in Hearing

In a weird and wholly-inappropriate display of rage today in the downtown courthouse, Judge Peter Gallagher ranted at defendant Victor Marion for choosing to have medical cannabis...
July 31, 2013
DEA to Pay $4.1 Million to Man Forgotten in Cell

DEA to Pay $4.1 Million to Man Forgotten in Cell

The DEA has agreed to pay $4.1 million to San Diego college student Daniel Chong after rounding him up in a drug sweep last year and then...
July 24, 2013
Prosecutor Claims All Medical Cannabis Patients Are Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Prosecutor Claims All Medical Cannabis Patients Are Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Last week, in San Diego Superior Court, Attorneys Lance Rogers and Logan Fairfax argued their clients, – medical cannabis patients and seriously ill Dennis and Deborah Littles’...
July 23, 2013
San Diego Superior Court Judge Denies Collective’s Defense

San Diego Superior Court Judge Denies Collective’s Defense

013 In a grueling week-long trial, a superior court Judge prohibited defense counsel from bringing evidence to support that cannabis patients may lawfully, collectively cultivate medical cannabis...
July 18, 2013
This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.07.16)

This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories (2013.07.16)

Two Virginia top cops copped to drug corruption offenses this past week, and that’s just for starters. There is more as well. Let’s get to it: In...
July 5, 2013
July San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

July San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

Join patients, advocates, scientists, and concerned citizens on Tuesday, July 9th from 7pm – 9pm at Giovanni’s Restaurant, located at 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123, for the July San...
July 4, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.02)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.07.02)

At least the DEA didn’t raid anybody this week, but some Michigan cops did. That and more in this week’s update. Let’s get to it: Arizona On...
June 28, 2013
California Dispensary Numbers Shrink in War of Attrition

California Dispensary Numbers Shrink in War of Attrition

California medical marijuana dispensaries — and their patients — are under a sustained, two-pronged attack, and that is having a dramatic impact on patient access across the...
June 20, 2013
Medical Marijuana Update (2013.06.19)

Medical Marijuana Update (2013.06.19)

Well, at least the DEA didn’t raid any dispensaries in the last week. In California, the battle continues at the local level, while progress is being made...
June 5, 2013
June San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

June San Diego Americans for Safe Access Meeting

Join patients, advocates, scientists, and concerned citizens Tuesday, June 11th from 7pm – 9pm at Giovanni’s Restaurant located at 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123 for the June San Diego...
May 24, 2013
U.S Attorney Folds Under Pressure as Mayor Bob Filner Prepares Public for Jury Nullification

U.S Attorney Folds Under Pressure as Mayor Bob Filner Prepares Public for Jury Nullification

San Diego’s medical cannabis community saw history in the making when the city’s Mayor, Bob Filner, showed up to a federal hearing, sat with his arm around...