Tag: sam farr

(3 posts)
June 2, 2014
US House Votes to Prohibit DOJ From Interfering With State Medical Marijuana or Industrial Hemp Programs

US House Votes to Prohibit DOJ From Interfering With State Medical Marijuana or Industrial Hemp Programs

After a long debate that had the US House of Representatives in session until after midnight, the lower chamber of Congress cast a historic 219 to 189...
April 19, 2013
Measure Introduced to Form Commission on Federal Marijuana Policy

Measure Introduced to Form Commission on Federal Marijuana Policy

Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) has introduced federal legislation that would establish a National Commission on Federal Marijuana Policy. The proposed commission, inspired by the 1971 Shafer Commission on Marihuana and...
October 10, 2012
Rolling Stone: The 10 Best Politicians on Marijuana Reform

Rolling Stone: The 10 Best Politicians on Marijuana Reform

Kristen Gwynne from Rolling Stone considers the most marijuana-friendly politicians. From Barney Frank to Ron Paul, these elected leaders are challenging the government’s pointless war on marijuana.