Tag: Republicans

(62 posts)
December 12, 2012
Gallup: Most Americans Want the Federal Government to Butt Out of State Marijuana Laws

Gallup: Most Americans Want the Federal Government to Butt Out of State Marijuana Laws

Sixty-four percent of Americans oppose federal interference in state laws that allow for the legal use of the substance by adults, according to a random sampling of 1,015 adults...
December 6, 2012
Quinnipiac Pollster Calls Marijuana Legalization “Just a Matter of Time”

Quinnipiac Pollster Calls Marijuana Legalization “Just a Matter of Time”

08:46pm The third different poll in less than a week to report a majority favoring marijuana legalization was released Wednesday, with the pollster saying the results...
December 3, 2012
CBS Poll Has Support for Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

CBS Poll Has Support for Marijuana Legalization at All-Time High

02:59pm A CBS News poll released this week has support for marijuana legalization at an all-time high, with as many Americans now saying it should be legal as...
October 31, 2012
Oregon Marijuana Measure Still Trails in Late Poll

Oregon Marijuana Measure Still Trails in Late Poll

04:57pm Measure 80, Oregon’s marijuana legalization initiative, continues to trail in the polls as the clock ticks ever closer to election day. According to a new poll...
October 19, 2012
Gary Johnson Supporters Robocall Colorado Democrats Over Marijuana Crackdown

Gary Johnson Supporters Robocall Colorado Democrats Over Marijuana Crackdown

05:36pm Colorado is a tightly-contested swing state. According to the Real Clear Politics average of recent polls, Republican challenger Mitt Romney holds a vanishingly narrow lead over...
October 17, 2012
Marijuana Legalization Backers Courting Conservatives

Marijuana Legalization Backers Courting Conservatives

Can conservative support for marijuana legalization in CO, OR and WA be increased for next month’s vote on themes of states’ rights and fiscal prudence with the help of respected...
October 4, 2012
Initiative Watch (2012.10.04)

Initiative Watch (2012.10.04)

01:05am Just over a month out, medical marijuana and marijuana legalization initiative campaigns are heating up. Arkansas See our feature article this week on the Arkansas...
September 28, 2012
Top Eight Reasons Conservatives Should Love Medical Marijuana

Top Eight Reasons Conservatives Should Love Medical Marijuana

Republicans and conservatives tend to favor penalties for the plant’s growth and use more often than Democrats and liberals. It shouldn’t be that way.
September 25, 2012
Marijuana Decriminalization Gets Conservative Support in Indiana

Marijuana Decriminalization Gets Conservative Support in Indiana

Marijuana reform is a hot topic of conversation in state legislatures around the country, and not just in traditionally liberal states like California and Rhode Island. In...
September 14, 2012
Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections II: The Parties and the Presidential Race

Drug Policy in the 2012 Elections II: The Parties and the Presidential Race

11:27pm As the 2012 election campaign enters its final weeks, all eyes are turning to the top of the ticket. While, according to the latest polls and electoral college...
September 13, 2012

Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure Polling Strong

03:41pm A solid majority of Washington voters approve of Initiative 502, the marijuana legalization measure sponsored by New Approach Washington, according to a SurveyUSA poll released...
September 10, 2012
VP Candidate Paul Ryan On Medical Marijuana: “I Support States’ Rights”

VP Candidate Paul Ryan On Medical Marijuana: “I Support States’ Rights”

In a clear departure from his more socially conservative top-of-the-ticket running mate Mitt Romney, vice presidential candidate Congressman Paul Ryan, in an interview this afternoon on KRDO in Colorado...
September 3, 2012
The GOP Platform on Crime and Drugs

The GOP Platform on Crime and Drugs

05:12pm With Republican delegates now heading home after their national convention in Tampa, this is as good a time as any to examine their official position...
August 31, 2012
At the RNC Convention: Prohibition? What’s Prohibition?

At the RNC Convention: Prohibition? What’s Prohibition?

Its a good thing no one in the media is asking anyone at the RNC Convention any questions about Marijuana Prohibition, this way they don’t have to...
August 29, 2012
Politicians Ignore Failed ‘War on Drugs’ at Their (and Our) Peril

Politicians Ignore Failed ‘War on Drugs’ at Their (and Our) Peril

The Huff Post challenges Democrats and Republicans to show the moral courage to support the people’s desire to end the one trillion dollar failed war on drugs...
August 22, 2012
Legalizing Weed: 42 Percent More Popular Than Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan

Legalizing Weed: 42 Percent More Popular Than Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan

Only 35% of Americans support GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan’s budget plan versus 50% of Americans who want marijuana legalized. You’d have to go back to 2003 to...
August 10, 2012
Can Romney Win Marijuana Vote With Ron Paul as VP?

Can Romney Win Marijuana Vote With Ron Paul as VP?

Examiner ponders if Mitt Romney selected Ron Paul as Vice President, could he secure the 50%+ of American voters who support marijuana law reform in some form and win the Presidency...
July 20, 2012
Will Chris Christie’s War on Drugs Stance Begin to Change GOP?

Will Chris Christie’s War on Drugs Stance Begin to Change GOP?

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s recent acknowledgement that the war on drugs has been a failure was a monumental statement within the GOP, although I personally wish he took it...
July 19, 2012
Federal Medical Marijuana “Truth in Trials Act” Reintroduced

Federal Medical Marijuana “Truth in Trials Act” Reintroduced

08:25pm, (Issue #743) US Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) Tuesday introduced House Resolution 6134, the Truth in Trials Act, which would allow defendants in federal criminal prosecutions the...
July 18, 2012
Bipartisan Group of House Members Introduce Bill To Give Some Protection Against Federal Medical Marijuana Charges

Bipartisan Group of House Members Introduce Bill To Give Some Protection Against Federal Medical Marijuana Charges

Yesterday the Truth in Trials Act, H.R. 6134, was introduced by Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.), and 15 other House Democrats such as Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), and three...