Tag: Republicans

(62 posts)
March 2, 2015
Today Ted Cruz Is a Marijuana Federalist—a Year Ago, Not So Much

Today Ted Cruz Is a Marijuana Federalist—a Year Ago, Not So Much

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) endorsed marijuana federalism during an exchange with Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity....
March 2, 2015
6 in 10 Young Republicans Favor Legal Marijuana, Survey Says

6 in 10 Young Republicans Favor Legal Marijuana, Survey Says

While the Pew Research Center survey published on Friday shows a 14-percentage point gap between Republicans and Democrats under the age of 34, six-in-10 GOP-leaning Millennials still...
February 9, 2015
2016 GOP Presidential Contenders Admit to Smoking Weed

2016 GOP Presidential Contenders Admit to Smoking Weed

This new admission puts Senator Cruz among the ranks of Republican politicians who admitted to smoking weed, such as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush who was apparently...
September 18, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.09.17)

Our first-ever medical marijuana update with no news from California. But there are things going in places that are not the usual suspects–a sign of changing times,...
September 15, 2014
Marijuana Policy Clear Winner in New Hampshire Primary Election

Marijuana Policy Clear Winner in New Hampshire Primary Election

Tuesday’s primary election in New Hampshire produced remarkably positive results for those of us who care about reforming the state’s marijuana laws. The New Hampshire Senate has been the...
September 12, 2014
Ohio Gubernatorial Candidate Supports Medical Marijuana

Ohio Gubernatorial Candidate Supports Medical Marijuana

Eighty-seven percent of Ohio voters think that people should be able to use marijuana as medicine, although nearly all of the currently elected state officials, including Gov. John...
September 8, 2014
GOP Senator Pat Roberts: Leave Marijuana Legalization Up to the States

GOP Senator Pat Roberts: Leave Marijuana Legalization Up to the States

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) said Saturday that states should be free to legalize marijuana. During a debate with independent rival Greg Orman, Roberts was asked for his...
September 4, 2014
MPP’s New Hampshire Primary Voter Guide

MPP’s New Hampshire Primary Voter Guide

MPP’s voter guide for the New Hampshire primary election has now been published. Click here to find out if the candidates on your ballot agree it’s time for a more sensible...
September 2, 2014
Rhode Island Primary Is Two Weeks Away – Where Do The Candidates Stand?

Rhode Island Primary Is Two Weeks Away – Where Do The Candidates Stand?

Tuesday, September 9, is Primary Election Day in Rhode Island. With an open race for the top slot in the state, all eyes are on the gubernatorial primary...
August 14, 2014
Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Say Private Consumption Of Cannabis Should Be Legal

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Say Private Consumption Of Cannabis Should Be Legal

Sixty-six percent of Americans believe that adults ought to legally be able to consume cannabis in the privacy of one’s own home, according to results of a...
August 7, 2014
Medical Marijuana Update (2014.08.06)

Medical Marijuana Update (2014.08.06)

Medical marijuana bills pick up some support in Congress, Maryland and Minnesota issue draft rules, California continues to be a battleground, and more. Let’s get to it:...
July 29, 2014
Poll: Majority of Floridians Support Legalized Marijuana; Super-Majority Endorse Medicalization

Poll: Majority of Floridians Support Legalized Marijuana; Super-Majority Endorse Medicalization

Nearly nine out of ten Florida voters support legalizing the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, and a majority of Floridians support allowing adults to possess the...
July 18, 2014
House Votes to Let Banks Take Deposits From Marijuana Businesses

House Votes to Let Banks Take Deposits From Marijuana Businesses

In a historic vote Wednesday, the US House has approved an amendment to the Treasury Department appropriations bill barring the agency from spending any money to punish...
July 17, 2014
GOP-Led House Gives Marijuana Businesses Another Boost

GOP-Led House Gives Marijuana Businesses Another Boost

When it comes to liberalizing marijuana policy, Congress has once again shown that it is not always the liberals taking the lead. The GOP-dominated House on Wednesday...
July 16, 2014
Poll: Six Out Of Ten Americans Support Retail Marijuana Sales In Colorado

Poll: Six Out Of Ten Americans Support Retail Marijuana Sales In Colorado

More than six out of ten Americans – including majorities of self-identified Democrats, Independents, and Republicans – support the regulation and retail sale of marijuana in Colorado,...
July 8, 2014
DC Marijuana Initiative Hands in Plenty of Signatures

DC Marijuana Initiative Hands in Plenty of Signatures

It now looks extremely likely that the residents of the nation’s capitol will vote in November on whether to legalize the possession and cultivation of small amounts...
June 27, 2014
Maryland Representative Andy Harris’s Amendment to Block Funding for D.C. Marijuana Law

Maryland Representative Andy Harris’s Amendment to Block Funding for D.C. Marijuana Law

An amendment, which blocks funding for D.C.’s new law that removes criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana, passed the Appropriations Committee yesterday, the Washington...
June 25, 2014
The Rand Paul-Cory Booker Amendment Runs Into Problems

The Rand Paul-Cory Booker Amendment Runs Into Problems

As MPP previously reported, Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) cosponsored an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act that would...
June 23, 2014
The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

Reason’s Nick Gillespie calls out George W. Bush’s drug czar, John P. Walters, for his written delusion in Politico that the current drug war has victory around the corner. Walters peddles...
June 17, 2014
Texas GOP Adds Hemp Cultivation to Platform, Votes Against Support for Medical Marijuana

Texas GOP Adds Hemp Cultivation to Platform, Votes Against Support for Medical Marijuana

The 2014 Texas GOP Convention wrapped up Saturday, June 7th, after a long week of debate and testimony concerning medical marijuana. Supporters of marijuana reform, including several...