Tag: reefer madness

(74 posts)
November 19, 2012
UN Drug Watchdog “Concerned” with Marijuana Legalization Votes

UN Drug Watchdog “Concerned” with Marijuana Legalization Votes

01:31pm The president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) Thursday voiced “grave concern” about the votes legalizing marijuana in the US states of Colorado and...
November 6, 2012
Marijuana: the Fuzz’ Favorite Tool

Marijuana: the Fuzz’ Favorite Tool

National Public Radio’s local Seattle station, KPLU, ran a five-day series on the soon-to-pass I-502 bill. The bill decriminalizes adult use for up to one ounce of...
October 16, 2012
Former Drug Czars Try Cannabis Scare Tactics on CO, OR and WA

Former Drug Czars Try Cannabis Scare Tactics on CO, OR and WA

Yesterday, former DEA and Office of National Drug Control Policy czars voiced a strong reminder to the DOJ that even if voters in Colorado, Oregon and Washington...
October 15, 2012
Anti-Marijuana Billboards Taken Down in Portland

Anti-Marijuana Billboards Taken Down in Portland

These utterly misleading anti-marijuana billboards have been taken down in Portland. Golf clap to Florida-based Drug Free America Foundation for funding this level of reefer madness misinformation.
September 18, 2012
“Illicit drug use is a form of domestic terrorism to some extent,” Says MA Police Chief

“Illicit drug use is a form of domestic terrorism to some extent,” Says MA Police Chief

Complete with visual aids to highlight the hypocrisy, Mike Riggs @ Reason has fun shredding Wilmington Police Chief Michael Begonis’ claim that “illicit drug use is a form...
September 17, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI Police Chief Opposes Relaxing Pot Law

Grand Rapids, MI Police Chief Opposes Relaxing Pot Law

The police chief in Michigan’s second-largest city opposes a ballot question that would make marijuana possession a civil infraction in Grand Rapids, not a misdemeanor crime. He said...
September 7, 2012
‘Smoking Weed with The President’ Video

‘Smoking Weed with The President’ Video

– 05:30PM Actor and pothead stereotype Kal Penn is a terrible person. Not only did he try and make a political propaganda ad to appeal to the...
September 6, 2012
College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

College Campus Marijuana Flyer: Who is Calling ‘Bullshit’?

A Reddit user shared the above photo from their college campus, Wentworth Institute of Technology. I am not advocating cannabis usage by minors or abuse by anyone....
September 5, 2012
The Marijuana Myth: What If Everything You Think You Know About This Plant Is Wrong?

The Marijuana Myth: What If Everything You Think You Know About This Plant Is Wrong?

Author Laurel Dewey shares her marijuana epiphany as she researched “What if everything you were ever told and believed about a subject wasn’t true? What if the well-meaning, trusted and...
July 31, 2012
Gil Kerlikowske, Drug Czar: Marijuana Legalization ‘Isn’t Going to Solve Our Drug Problem’

Gil Kerlikowske, Drug Czar: Marijuana Legalization ‘Isn’t Going to Solve Our Drug Problem’

White House Drug Control Policy Director R. Gil Kerlikowske shot down a question Monday about softening views on marijuana policy, saying the administration believes that neither “legalization”...
July 26, 2012
L.A.’s reefer madness

L.A.’s reefer madness

Amanda Reiman writes an opinion piece on The Los Angeles Times about the recent LA ban on medical marijuana dispensaries and the devious “constant framing of dispensaries as...
July 25, 2012
Video: What We Saw at the Drug Enforcement Administration Museum (ReasonTV)

Video: What We Saw at the Drug Enforcement Administration Museum (ReasonTV)

We found this video today by Reason.com, here’s what they have to say about the DEA museum in Arlington, VA: Since 1999, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has...
July 23, 2012
SUNY Professor Shreds Heritage Foundation Reefer Madness Article

SUNY Professor Shreds Heritage Foundation Reefer Madness Article

Mitch Earleywine, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany shreds an anachronistic reefer madness article written by The Heritage Foundation’s Charles Stimson entitled “Why...
June 21, 2012
Ronald Reagan Lied About Marijuana Effects (1980s)

Ronald Reagan Lied About Marijuana Effects (1980s)

Why is it that every red-blooded Republican LOVES Ronald Reagan?  Maybe it was because he just looked the part of the President?  Well for the non-believers, here...