Posted by @diablodabs The best part of legalization is smoking together. If you’re in California and you’re a dabber, pay close attention to this Instafire. Above is your...
By a slender margin, Connecticut voters back legalizing marijuana for recreational use, with the strongest support coming from those under 30, according to a Quinnipiac University poll...
Working in the legal marijuana industry in Colorado for the last several years has taught me that there are many different kinds of smokers, each with a...
Parents 4 Pot Oregon has come together and shown how fast a group can get results with a dedicated team of volunteers. Their only online presence is...
With more states weighing legalization of marijuana, weed is expected to flourish into a $10.2 billion market by 2018, according to the research arm of cannabis investment network ArcView...
The genus Selfie of the family Narcissus contains many species. There is the Selfie brunch and the Selfie drunk. But naturalists have only just begun to study a fascinating new breed, the...
Several factors converged on the road to marijuana legalization in CO: changing politics; the creation of strong medical marijuana regulatory structures; a smaller number of voters to...
Recreational marijuana advocates say that medical marijuana proponents have had a shot at legalization. Backers of recreational legalization say they support medical marijuana and tried to let its...
America’s most mammoth party this weekend may well be Denver’s 420 rally on Sunday, but Colorado’s legal pot law, so far, has not lured a sustained surge...
Posted by @diablodabs There are few things more exciting than a new concentrate rig, especially a vape pen! Shouts out to Source Vapes who sent me their double coil...
This weekend marks the first legal 420 in Colorado, the first state in the nation to allow recreational marijuana sales. Cannabis-related tourism has brought plenty of visitors...
Tax revenues from Colorado’s medical and recreational marijuana sales in February increased from the previous month. Colorado collected $3.2 million in February, below the state’s projection but slightly...
State lawmakers must decide how to spend tax revenue from recreational marijuana sales, however revenue estimates are now being revised. “The projection was $67 million, now there have...
An estimated 70 percent of physicians acknowledge the therapeutic qualities of cannabis and over half believe that the plant should also be legal for non-medical purposes, according...
Marijuana is becoming increasingly more acceptable in the United States, with the majority of Americans willing to allow a legal pot commerce to operate in their hometown....
Colorado expected to see a decline in patients seeking medical marijuana with the advent of the state’s newly-legalized recreational pot industry, but recent statistics indicate there was...