Tag: propaganda

(60 posts)
October 27, 2014
Halloweed: Cannabis Candy on the Loose in Denver

Halloweed: Cannabis Candy on the Loose in Denver

Recently, Denver police issued a pre-Halloween warning to residents: The candy your kids get this Halloween could be infused with Marijuana and you should just throw it...
October 23, 2014
Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

It looks like my favorite punching bag and one of the most vocal shit-peddlers, Kevin Sabet, took his stinky train of bullshit to Oregon earlier this month...
October 13, 2014
Reefer Madness: 20 Year Study Likens Cannabis to Heroin

Reefer Madness: 20 Year Study Likens Cannabis to Heroin

For every article that comes out trying to lambast cannabis, I can find plenty more that show how cannabis alone has saved a life, helped with a...
October 6, 2014
Where Does the Word ‘Marijuana’ Come From?

Where Does the Word ‘Marijuana’ Come From?

Many are unaware that before it was termed ‘marijuana’, most people in the U.S. referred to the plant as ‘cannabis’. So where does the word ‘marijuana’ come...
September 30, 2014
NASCAR’s Stewart Off Hook, Cannabis Confesses

NASCAR’s Stewart Off Hook, Cannabis Confesses

The way that is phrased for us implies that, because Ward was possibly stoned, Stewart is off the hook. While they don’t come right out and...
September 29, 2014
Florida Anti-Cannabis Group: “Medical Marijuana Leads to Date Rape”

Florida Anti-Cannabis Group: “Medical Marijuana Leads to Date Rape”

Anti-cannabis proponents in Florida have reached a new low, with an ad campaign that likens cannabis to a date rape drug. “No On Amendment 2”, an anti-legalization...
September 23, 2014
The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

The Best Facebook Comments on Fox News Absurd “Report” on Wax

In a stark reminder that times and public opinions have changed, Fox’s Facebook thread about the “dangers” of wax was bombarded with hilarious comments calling them out...
September 22, 2014
New Drug Use Data Spoils Prohibitionist Propaganda

New Drug Use Data Spoils Prohibitionist Propaganda

While cannabis use in the general population has showed a steady increase (unsurprisingly in our softening cannabis culture), it has leveled off among teen users.
September 16, 2014
100% of New Cannabis Addiction Reports Show Signs of Reefer Madness

100% of New Cannabis Addiction Reports Show Signs of Reefer Madness

The idea that cannabis could be much worse for teenage users than previously expected, could make any parent lose sleep at night. Fortunately, those parents can breathe...
September 15, 2014
Is Big Pharma Behind Anti-Cannabis Research?

Is Big Pharma Behind Anti-Cannabis Research?

As we recognize the hidden financial ties between academics advocating for the prohibition and strict regulation of cannabis and large prescription drug companies, we begin to see...
August 7, 2014
Florida Cop Sends Illegal Email to Voters Re: Medical Marijuana

Florida Cop Sends Illegal Email to Voters Re: Medical Marijuana

A North Miami Beach police officer is so worried about the possibility of Florida approving medical marijuana in the November election that he distributed a mass email...
July 31, 2014
The Federal Marijuana Ban Is Rooted in Myth and Xenophobia

The Federal Marijuana Ban Is Rooted in Myth and Xenophobia

The federal law that makes possession of marijuana a crime has its origins in legislation that was passed in an atmosphere of hysteria during the 1930s and...
July 18, 2014
Marijuana Linked to Depression?

Marijuana Linked to Depression?

Mitch Earleywine, professor of psychology at SUNY Albany, doesn’t think marijuana leads to depression. “I think that giving folks Ritalin or any other stimulant in an effort to...
July 16, 2014
Sh%t The Feds Say: Weed Becomes More Dangerous When Legal

Sh%t The Feds Say: Weed Becomes More Dangerous When Legal

There is just something fundamentally unjust about demonizing a thing of which you have no experience. Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute for Drug Abuse, feels...
July 9, 2014
Cannabis and Adolescents: WA State Guidelines

Cannabis and Adolescents: WA State Guidelines

I stumbled upon this gem of a site, that claims to put out “science-based information for the public” from the UW’s Institute for Alcohol and Drug Abuse....
June 23, 2014
The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

The Drug War is the Other War Bush-Era Neocons Can’t Quit

Reason’s Nick Gillespie calls out George W. Bush’s drug czar, John P. Walters, for his written delusion in Politico that the current drug war has victory around the corner. Walters peddles...
June 18, 2014
Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

Recent Report Does the Impossible: Makes DEA Look Even Worse

It’s not as if you needed another log to toss onto your “DEA is the Devil” bonfire, but a new report from the Drug Policy Alliance casts...
May 20, 2014
DEA Even More Reliant on Fear in the Age of Legalization

DEA Even More Reliant on Fear in the Age of Legalization

DEA Director, Michele Leonhart, is back at it again, spreading fear and incomplete stories in an attempt to bring back the DEA’s Golden Goose: Cannabis Prohibition! While...
May 19, 2014
Eric Holder Reigns in DEA Chief Michelle Leonhart for Undermining Obama’s Position on Marijuana Sentencing

Eric Holder Reigns in DEA Chief Michelle Leonhart for Undermining Obama’s Position on Marijuana Sentencing

In recent talks with Attorney General Eric Holder, DEA Chief Michelle Leonhart was encouraged to tone down the Drug War propaganda she has been advancing since the...
April 7, 2014
Ban Chocolate, Keep Dogs Safe

Ban Chocolate, Keep Dogs Safe

DEA administrator Michele Leonhart, desperate to stop the cannabis legalization movement, attempted to pull on our heartstrings by declaring that cannabis is a killer… of dogs. Despite...
By: Rae Lland