Tag: propaganda

(60 posts)
May 12, 2015
4 Things I Learned About Weed After Leaving the Mormon Church

4 Things I Learned About Weed After Leaving the Mormon Church

Once I started to question what I had been taught, I discovered that a lot of what I thought I knew was misinformation. These are the four...
May 11, 2015
Dr. Gupta and Gov. Christie: Science vs. Fear Mongering

Dr. Gupta and Gov. Christie: Science vs. Fear Mongering

The canyon between actual truth (science) and fear-mongering (politicking) is beautifully displayed by two recent high-profile individuals. In the corner for science, we have Dr. Sanjay Gupta....
April 23, 2015
Fear Mongering Headlines Try to Demonize Cannabis

Fear Mongering Headlines Try to Demonize Cannabis

While headlines are meant to hook the reader, doesn’t journalistic integrity mean anything? The most recent horribly unjust portrayal of cannabis comes from the UK’s Daily Mail,...
April 8, 2015
Cannabis and Being a Parent: A Talk With My Son

Cannabis and Being a Parent: A Talk With My Son

Yes, I’m a cannabis enthusiast, but I’m a parent first and I truly do not want my sons to touch weed, alcohol, Sudafed or any other substance...
April 2, 2015
Here’s the Number of Cannabis Psychosis Cases in the UK

Here’s the Number of Cannabis Psychosis Cases in the UK

The question Walker posited was, “How many young people under 18 years of age have been treated in NHS-funded mental health units for cannabis-induced psychosis in each...
March 31, 2015
Tips for Keeping Cannabis on the DL in Prohibition States

Tips for Keeping Cannabis on the DL in Prohibition States

Although the legalization and decriminalization of cannabis in many areas of the U.S. may have many of us feeling as though we are free to emerge from...
March 26, 2015
Wordplay and Stigma: An Appeal Against the Word Marijuana

Wordplay and Stigma: An Appeal Against the Word Marijuana

As a botanist myself, I always look for the proper names of things — especially plants. There is a reason for this, and any first year plant...
March 23, 2015
Cannabis Causes Psychosis? The Answer Is in the Hash

Cannabis Causes Psychosis? The Answer Is in the Hash

Researchers” relied on self reporting, which is historically not reliable and the study only looks at two forms of cannabis, skunk and hash.
March 18, 2015
Propaganda Tries to Link Cannabis to Magnesium Deficiency

Propaganda Tries to Link Cannabis to Magnesium Deficiency

Narconon’s claim is that using cannabis depletes the body’s natural magnesium levels, which can lead people to be “on-edge” when coming down from being high. The author...
March 17, 2015
Stoned Rabbits: The DEA’s Latest Fear Mongering Tactic

Stoned Rabbits: The DEA’s Latest Fear Mongering Tactic

Fairbanks actually said that he feared passage of the Utah legalization bill would lead to an epidemic of stoned rabbits.
March 16, 2015
NYPD Commish Blames Cannabis for City’s Homicide Rate

NYPD Commish Blames Cannabis for City’s Homicide Rate

New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton recently took to the podium and directly blamed marijuana for a jump in the city’s homicide rate.
March 12, 2015
Wasserman Schultz: Cannabis Two-Face

Wasserman Schultz: Cannabis Two-Face

Florida Congresswoman and Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has found herself in a bit of political discomfort after she allegedly offered her support...
February 25, 2015
California Councilman Touts Anti-Cannabis Scare-Tactics

California Councilman Touts Anti-Cannabis Scare-Tactics

Councilman Jim Mulvihill of San Bernardino took the opportunity to spread a little fear mixed with a soupcon of bull-crap. The councilman was miffed about the Southern...
February 16, 2015
Study: Cannabis Doesn’t Lead to Increased Car Accidents

Study: Cannabis Doesn’t Lead to Increased Car Accidents

More bad news for the hysterical anti-pot crowd: the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration just released a report stating that driving after using cannabis does not increase...
February 9, 2015
Billboards Touting the Dangers of Cannabis Pop Up in New Jersey

Billboards Touting the Dangers of Cannabis Pop Up in New Jersey

A New Jersey anti-cannabis campaign aims to convince people that marijuana is a dangerous substance akin to underage drinking and prescription drug abuse.
By: Rae Lland
February 5, 2015
Kevin Sabet’s Secret Weapon: The Stoned Diner Epidemic

Kevin Sabet’s Secret Weapon: The Stoned Diner Epidemic

Recently, Sabet tweeted about an article from Food and Wine magazine which discusses that, in Denver, there is an epidemic of people going to restaurants so stoned...
February 4, 2015
2 Chainz vs. Nancy Grace: Fight!

2 Chainz vs. Nancy Grace: Fight!

Recently, Nancy Grace invited famous rapper, 2 Chainz, on her show to discuss marijuana.
December 29, 2014
Restore Humanity: Remember Cannabis Users Are People Too

Restore Humanity: Remember Cannabis Users Are People Too

Langston draws some interesting lines between early American racial history and the characterization of drug users. Maybe that is how the government has justified the overblown, overreaching...
November 19, 2014
New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

New Study on Cannabis and Teens: Pot Not Detriment to IQ

Opponents of legalization have, for a couple of years, been spouting off that marijuana use (especially among teens) is responsible for a drop in IQ. This argument...
November 3, 2014
Cannabis Not the Scariest Thing About Halloween, After All

Cannabis Not the Scariest Thing About Halloween, After All

Well, the ghoulish holiday came and went, so how did these scarey stories hold up? Turns out, surprise surprise, this was just another case of good old...