Tag: prohibition

(338 posts)
December 29, 2014
Police Stealing Weed From the Police

Police Stealing Weed From the Police

A Richmond police officer was found in possession of 3 pounds of cannabis at his home. Authorities say Veteran K-9 officer Joe Avila will likely not...
December 23, 2014
Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Wastes Resources

Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Wastes Resources

Forcing drug testing wastes resources, but also gives people unconscious permission to judge and label the poorest and neediest of us, or to justify turning a blind...
December 22, 2014
Japan’s Deep History With Cannabis Contradicts Current Laws

Japan’s Deep History With Cannabis Contradicts Current Laws

Up until the mid 1940’s, cannabis enjoyed unprecedented acceptance (praise, even) in Japan. There are even records of Ninja training by jumping over cannabis!
December 22, 2014
Dispensary Weed Might Not Be as Safe as You Think

Dispensary Weed Might Not Be as Safe as You Think

The weed you purchase legally at a government sanctioned dispensary is still just as variable as the strains you might buy from a dealer.
December 15, 2014
House of Representatives Passes Legislation to Stop Legalization in D.C.

House of Representatives Passes Legislation to Stop Legalization in D.C.

The House of Representatives passed a republican backed “cromnibus” spending bill just hours before the deadline, which will stop the legalization of cannabis voted for by the...
December 15, 2014
Native American Tribes Cleared to Grow Cannabis by DOJ

Native American Tribes Cleared to Grow Cannabis by DOJ

This week, the United States Department of Justice released a memo stating that Native American tribes are legally allowed to grow marijuana on their designated tribal lands.
December 8, 2014
Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

Women Leading the Fight for Cannabis Legalization

In a new study, researchers found that women between the age of 30 and 50 are key players in the battle for legalization in Colorado and Washington.
December 3, 2014
Sabet Weeps as Cannabis Culture Thrives

Sabet Weeps as Cannabis Culture Thrives

Big Cannabis is really a non-factor in regards to legalization. Sabet, for his part, has used this argument as one of the main stilts of his rhetoric....
December 1, 2014
New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

New Zealand Stuck in Prohibition Timewarp

As it is spring time in New Zealand, police constables have issued a warning and a request to locals: be on the look out for cannabis and...
November 26, 2014
“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

“Faces of Cannabis” Seeks to Redefine America’s Perception

Over a year ago, photographer Nichole Montanez began a project titled “Faces of Cannabis.” Her mission is to share the truth of what medical cannabis has done...
November 25, 2014
Official Bob Marley Cannabis Brand ‘Marley Natural’ Announced

Official Bob Marley Cannabis Brand ‘Marley Natural’ Announced

The iconic legend, prophet and activist Bob Marley has been a symbol of peace, love and justice for almost six decades and now his family is teaming...
November 12, 2014
The Price Is Too High: Why Colorado Tokers Are Still Buying Illegal Weed

The Price Is Too High: Why Colorado Tokers Are Still Buying Illegal Weed

If you’re looking to toke in Colorado and you’re on a budget, the legal clinics might not be for you. Apparently the high prices of Colorado’s...
November 10, 2014
The Marijuana Bond

The Marijuana Bond

These measures of intrusion and needless paternalism at the hands of our government have been a catalyst that has helped marijuana evolve into a defacto symbol of...
November 6, 2014
Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

Spice “Synthetic Marijuana” ER Visits on the Rise

After writing an article about synthetic marijuana, or spice, this past October I was not at all surprised when I read about a new study indicating that...
November 5, 2014
New Yorker Blames Pot Smoke for Ruining Her Life

New Yorker Blames Pot Smoke for Ruining Her Life

Enter Jennifer Garam, stage left. She recently penned an article that Time published called “I Don’t Want to Smell Your Pot Smoke and I Don’t Think it...
November 4, 2014
Cannabis Consumption Helps With Brain Trauma

Cannabis Consumption Helps With Brain Trauma

UCLA researchers have taken a big stride toward proving what your average stoner has known for ages: weed is good for your brain. No, that’s not a...
November 4, 2014
Flock of UK Sheep Feast on Cannabis

Flock of UK Sheep Feast on Cannabis

A flock of sheep in a the rural Merstham region of England were found to be feasting on almost $6,400 worth of cannabis.
November 3, 2014
Cannabis Decriminalization Does Not Increase Teen Risk Behaviors

Cannabis Decriminalization Does Not Increase Teen Risk Behaviors

Since decriminalization, have any of these apocalyptic divinations come to fruition? Nope. Not a single one has come true. Not only are teen arrest, dropout and overdose...
October 28, 2014
Man Texts His Probation Officer for Weed, Gets Sent Back to Jail

Man Texts His Probation Officer for Weed, Gets Sent Back to Jail

Another example of the silly things that can happen when people misuse technology comes in the form of Alvin Cross Jr. of Albany, who text his probation...
October 23, 2014
Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

Sabet’s Snake Oil Show Heads to Oregon

It looks like my favorite punching bag and one of the most vocal shit-peddlers, Kevin Sabet, took his stinky train of bullshit to Oregon earlier this month...