02:12pm A deputy from Mexico’s left-leaning Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) Thursday introduced a bill (not yet posted) to legalize the use, cultivation, and sale of marijuana....
Weedists: Meet Diane Fornbacher “Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.” Diane Fornbacher has been a cannabis activist...
The main adviser to Mexico’s president-elect said Wednesday that votes legalizing recreational marijuana in the U.S. states of Washington and Colorado will force Mexico and the United...
It’s a rare day when Canada looks to the United States as a picture of liberalism. On Tuesday, voters in Washington state Washington state and Colorado approved initiatives legalizing the recreational use of...
Reclassifying cannabis under state law limits police from going on “fishing expeditions” when they encounter it in “plain view” — such as in someone’s home or car....
Why Election Day Marks the Beginning of the End of Marijuana Prohibition via Alternet.org The criminalization of cannabis is a policy that has been in place federally...
Unsurprisingly, the war on marijuana has been waged in the name of ‘the children.’ What message will we send the children if we change our policy on marijuana? Why...
Is Jury Nullification the right tool to end modern day Prohibition of Cannabis? Jury Nullification is a controversial practice, yet has a long history. With recent new...
Next Tuesday, three voters in three states — Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — will be deciding on statewide ballot measures to legalize the adult possession, use, and...
LEAP co-founder and retired police captain, Peter Christ, appears on WGRZ-TV in Buffalo, NY and takes on all aspects of our country’s disastrous War on Drugs. Christ is...
More people are in favor of marijuana legalization, and like voters in Washington and Colorado may do this election, Nevada should end the prohibition. The Las Vegas Sun...
About 100 Oregonians rallied on the steps of the Capitol Building in Salem to support Measure 80 and the Moms for Marijuana First Cannabis Quilt Regional Conference...
Several religious leaders spoke out in opposition of Colorado’s Amendment 64 Wednesday in Denver. This opposition of some religious leaders comes as no surprise to most. Some...
War on Drugs is a powerful, well-produced comic that purveys a message that cannabis advocates empathize with. For some time, Milton Friedman and his fellow economists have witnessed the ills...
Prohibition must stop. A 12-year-old girl suffered 2nd degree burns from a flash grenade thrown by Montana SWAT. The fact it was the wrong house makes it...
Legalization would save huge amounts of law enforcement resources as well as protect vast numbers of people from losing their livelihoods. This Weedist series is dedicated to...
Libertarian POTUS candidate Gary Johnson writes on how the ‘war on drugs’, like 1920s Prohibition, has been a miserable failure and how America would be better-off with...